The “money saving trick” .. This is what the tea bag hanging on the fireplace or door handle does

by time news

Follow-up – Lujain Ismail:

Many people usually throw away tea bags after they are done using them. But are you aware of many other uses. One of them is to hang the bag on the heater or doorknob. What is the peculiarity of this trick.

puffy eyes

Placing a tea bag in a closed eye can relieve irritation, reduce puffiness or discomfort, or even relieve eye strain.

This is because tea bags reduce pressure in the eyes by reducing tension.

For a better result, you should freeze an ice pack wrapped in a clean cloth for a set amount of time.

  • You can hang a tea bag from a doorknob or a fireplace. This helps explain the benefit.
  • You can use tea bags as a natural deodorant if you wet them with one of your favorite natural oils. The oil will give off a pleasant scent whenever you open the door.
  • This tip works best if you put the bag on the heater while it’s heating up.
  • The fragrance in a tea bag hanging on the door or the fireplace doesn’t have to look fancy. Instead, he dispenses a fragrant perfume that costs little to no money.

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