Macron in Washington, the Blues in the eighth … All the news of the week

by time news

Borne follows the tradition of Prime Ministers, the Blues in the 1/8 finals, Macron meets Biden… All the news of the week.

Par Le (with AFP)

Emmanuel Macron is the first French president to be received twice by his American counterpart.
Emmanuel Macron is the first French president to be received twice by his American counterpart.

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Diplomacy. Emmanuel Macron will be welcomed by his American counterpart Joe Biden. This will be his second visit to the White House, after the invitation received in 2018 by former President Donald Trump. This will be an opportunity for the two presidents to discuss several topics, starting with the war in Ukraine. But the tenant of the Élysée may also take the opportunity to address certain economic subjects. This is the first time that a president has been hosted twice across the Atlantic. He will be accompanied, Thursday for the state visit, by a whole delegation: Bruno Le Maire (Minister of the Economy), Catherine Colonna (Minister of the Armed Forces), Bernard Arnaud, Xavier Niel, Patrick Pouyanné, Luc Rémond, Thomas Pesquet and Sophie Adenot.

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Dialogue. Gérald Darmanin will start a tense visit to New Caledonia, where he must make progress on the future status of the archipelago. The separatists have agreed to return to the negotiating table, after boycotting the referendum on the independence of the archipelago a year ago. Loyalists and separatists want the state to come out of supposed neutrality and take a stand. Which would certainly lead to the departure of one of the protagonists from the discussion table. Forced into a difficult balancing act, Gérald Darmanin will also be questioned about the help that France can bring to an almost bloodless territory, despite the reforms initiated by the independence president Louis Mapou.

Tradition. Elisabeth Borne will perpetuate a tradition among French Prime Ministers, initiated in 1978 by Raymond Barre: she will plant a tree in the garden of Matignon. Only Jacques Chirac skipped this moment of gardening. The Prime Minister opted for a holm oak, “a species from the South which will be able to adapt to global warming”, she confided. A variety of tree also chosen by Pierre Mauroy, Laurent Fabius, Dominique de Villepin and Manuel Valls.

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Presidency. Who from Eric Ciotti, Bruno Retailleau or Aurélien Pradié will be the next president of the Republicans? Party members will have to choose this weekend. The three candidates will have clashed in a single debate, and the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes seems to be leaving as the favorite.

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Series. From Monday, discover on our series “The big bang of publishing”: Vivendi’s appetite, the authors’ transfer window, the shadow of Bolloré… Six episodes are planned throughout this week.

World Cup. The Blues will want to finish in style against Tunisia on Wednesday and secure their first place in Pool D, after their victory against Australia and Denmark. Other important meetings this week: a Portugal – Uruguay in group H, with the Celeste in search of victory, and a Croatia – Belgium in group F, where the Red Devils are in a very bad position: the semi-finalists of the Cup of the world are, at present, virtually eliminated from the tournament. After these high-tension matches, it’s time for the 1/8th finals on the weekend.

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Solidarity. Thursday will be World AIDS Day, organized since 1988 by the WHO. This day aims to inform and sensitize the general public about the means of prevention, treatment and management of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) / AIDS. The following day will be the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, organized by Unicef. According to the latest estimates from the International Labor Organization (ILO), forced labor and forced marriages have increased significantly over the past five years. “Global estimates put the number of people in a form of modern slavery at 50 million in 2021, 10 million more than in 2016. Women and children remain disproportionately vulnerable,” say the organizers.

Statue. The videographer Squeezie, known for his YouTube videos and his Twitch channel, will join the closed circle of personalities with a statue at the Grévin museum. He is the first celebrity from the internet world to join this famous museum.

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Anniversary. Wednesday will mark the 40th anniversary of the best-selling record of all time: “Thriller”, by Michael Jackson. Released in 1982, the album contains hits such as “Billie Jean”, “Beat it” and of course “Thriller”. It has sold over 66 million copies.

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