Talkers are nicer (Or maybe they hide a discomfort) –

by time news
from Daniela Natali

the thesis of a recent study. This personality trait is indeed associated with sociability, but sometimes it can be an expression of inner suffering or pathology.

According to a study of a hundred people, recently taken up by the magazine Personality and Social Psycology BulletinThose who talk a lot, even in a conversation between strangers, are perceived as more pleasant and even more likeable than those who are more reserved and considered reticent. Long live the chatterboxes, then? First — he replies Giancarlo Cerveridirector of the Department of Mental Health and Addiction of the Lodi Social Health Authority – we need to reflect on an ethological question: language in man exceptionally developed, constitutes a founding characteristic. Although true, known example, that the incessant song of whales is a form of communication and serves to build effective relationships; language in man it also transmits knowledge, helps to share it and it can modify the group itself and its conceptions. Now the question becomes more complicated given that we live in the age of social networks and the ways of communicating have multiplied.

Talk don’t post

Ma why do we talk (or post) a lot? Apart from the fact that it is not obvious that the “talkers” are also fans of social media, because one thing is the behavior “in presence”, another the “remote”, at the basis of these attitudes there may be a form of “hypervigilant narcissism ”- specifies the expert -, typical of apparently self-confident people but in reality very fragile: fearing that others might think something negative about them, they fill in all the spaces with their own words.

Another case that of classic narcissist: While the hypervigilant type is very attentive to others and fears their opinion – Cerveri distinguishes – this second type of narcissist is only interested in himself, convinced that he has a lot to say and that it is only up to others to listen. There and then c
hi talk a lot but never communicate deep content because he is afraid that others may use it to harm him; valuable content can emerge only if the relationship deepens, but in the social dimension difficult to happen also because the relationship is open to many subjects.

Silent and reliable

Ma So who talks so much really nicer? Not necessarily I would say – the psychiatrist comments – since one does not communicate with the word alone but also with the gaze, the posture, the movement of the hands, even the type of clothing. All by the way we know people we trust even if they are “silent”; on the other hand, those who talk too much end up not being listened to.

Depression and other pathologies

Although talking too much is certainly not a disease, it can however be indicative of several psychic pathologies continues the specialist. Anyone with bipolar disorder
in the manic phase – in which he is euphoric and uninhibited, sleeps little and is characterized by continuous psychomotor activity – speaks irrepressibly. On the contrary, in a depressive phase he tends to remain silent and withdraw into himself. The disinhibition of the manic phase leads to conversations with everyone, without knowing when to stop; a behavior that listeners experience as intrusive and disturbing, which ends up backfiring against the compulsive storyteller: with his uninterrupted chatter he would like to communicate with others and have good relationships, but he gets the opposite result.

Anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder

Another disorder that can lead to excessive verbal production is that linked to anxiety: speaking a lot arises, in this case, from the need to decrease the level of discomfort, to keep one’s fears at bay. Even OCDs often tend to talk a lot, with the particular characteristic of getting lost in the details, thus becoming boring for the listeners. In some forms of personality disorders, talking too much – concludes Cerveri – it can then be present when the relationship with others is experienced as the “foundation” of one’s personality and the interruption of the discourse, albeit momentary, translates into a profound feeling of distance and solitude. Last, extreme case, that of someone who talks to himself: it is a rather rare but impressive delusional thought disorder. Not the simple autonomous production of thoughts – defined as “‘inner speech”- because in these pathological cases the “inner voice” is perceived as real. In short, these subjects are incapable of distinguishing between external and internal reality. To reassure who often “mumbles” to himselfwe add for that a single symptom, such as speaking to oneself, is not enough to be defined as a subject
To diagnose a pathology you need to be in the presence of many symptoms that coexist and are not short-lived.

November 27, 2022 (change November 27, 2022 | 15:07)

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