Daily horoscope for Shani, 28.11.22: Capricorns – be open to ideas you haven’t thought of

by time news

Aries (photo: no credit)

Aries 21.3-20.4

A very socially exciting day, an emotional connection with people both near and far, a good day for trips or studying in social groups.

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Taurus (photo: no credit)Taurus (photo: no credit)

Taurus 21.4-20.5

A good career day, events with surprising people and creating an unusual interaction, original ideas rise to promotion and recognition

Gemini (photo: no credit)Gemini (photo: no credit)

Gemini 21.5-20.6

A good day for a change of attitude and a different look at the situation, the energy opens up and there are insights and enlightenments that can make an important change in your life.

Cancer sign (photo: no credit)Cancer sign (photo: no credit)

Cancer 21.6-22.7

A good day for a change of attitude and a different look at the situation, the energy opens up and there are insights and enlightenments that can make an important change in your life.

Leo (photo: no credit)Leo (photo: no credit)

Leo 23.7-22.8

A balanced and light day in relationships, there is a feeling of nervousness with optimism, try to go with the positive feeling that arises.

Virgo (photo: no credit)Virgo (photo: no credit)

Virgo 23.8-22.9

A day with sensitivity in the work environment, you have creative and different ideas, you should listen to them.

Libra (photo: no credit)Libra (photo: no credit)

Libra 23.9-23.10

A day of special and different emotional experiences of love, there may be a special emotional experience that will boost the ego.

Scorpio (photo: no credit)Scorpio (photo: no credit)

Scorpio 24.10-21.11

An emotional day at home and in the family, a feeling of connection to light and objective feelings for the situation, there is relief.

Sagittarius (photo: no credit)Sagittarius (photo: no credit)

Sagittarius 22.11-21.12

A good day with the immediate environment, you may have a different experience with close people and the ability to communicate differently than usual, a feeling of lightness and joy.

Capricorn (photo: no credit)Capricorn (photo: no credit)

Capricorn 22.12-20.1

A good day to promote relationships in the career field, you are communicative, sensitive and balanced and self-expression is at its peak, new collaborations are also possible.

Aquarius (photo: no credit)Aquarius (photo: no credit)

Aquarius 21.1-18.2

The moon in your sign today opens you up emotionally and gives you a new perspective on things, enjoy a light and happy day.

Pisces (photo: no credit)Pisces (photo: no credit)

Fish 19.2-20.3

Deep and unusual insights arise, intuitions are strong, listen inside even if what comes up doesn’t seem logical at the moment.

Sigal Eliyahu

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