Ioannidis: “No repeat injection for healthy non-elderly people”

by time news

prof. Dr. John Ioannidis, an epidemiologist at Stanford University in the United States and one of the most cited scientists in the world, argues strongly against the population-wide use of a fourth mRNA corona vaccine.

He writes this together with research physician Dr. Stefan Pilz from the Austrian Medical University in Graz in a peer reviewed editorial (1). Both scientists are trying to answer the question of whether repeat vaccinations against Covid-19 are still useful in addition to natural immunity and/or vaccinations against Sars-Cov-2.

Based on all the studies published to date, the authors conclude that there is very little benefit to a repeat shot for healthy non-elderly people. This is because of the very small risk of a serious outcome with the current level of immunity in the population and with the current virus variants. This assessment takes into account the risks of side effects and the high costs of the vaccination campaigns, which can also be spent on other goals that are more meaningful for public health.

Therefore, we strongly argue to refrain from recommendations for
mass vaccination in e.g. children and healthy nonelderly adults with a fourth vaccine dose,
unless sucha policy becomes supported by sufficient evidence.

“We therefore strongly advocate against recommendations for mass vaccination in eg children and healthy non-elderly adults with a fourth vaccine dose, unless such a policy is supported by sufficient evidence.”


  1. Pilz S, Ioannidis JPA. Does natural and hybrid immunity obviate the need for frequent vaccine boosters against SARS-CoV-2 in the endemic phase? Eur J Clin Invest. 2022 Nov 11:e13906. doi: 10.1111/eci.13906. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36366946.

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