“More flowers, less fights” – time.news

by time news
from Viviana Mazza

The new Pennsylvania senator beat the learned Oz, who was supported by Trump, also thanks to his wife who was his spokesperson during the election campaign

NEW YORK – I hate politics, but where you plant me I blossom, Gisele Barreto Fetterman tells the Courier, during the Washington orientation of future members of Congress (and their partners). I always say that, without joy, politics would be absolutely unbearable. The wife of new Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman is mentioned almost as much as her husband, at least up Fox News. he state the

midterm election news

, after defeating Dr. Oz, the Trump-backed TV doctor, and overthrowing a seat held by the Republicans, ensuring the majority in the Senate for the Democratic party. She, who became his campaign spokesperson when he suffered a stroke, a favorite target of the rightwho accuses her of stealing the show and being the senator in fact. Since I arrived at the Capitol for orientation, my email filled with threats and horrible stuff. The reason they keep talking about me on Fox News.

been criticized for, among other things, partially cutting the senator out of a photo of them appearing in front of his new office posted on Twitter. Gisele had to explain that it is a joke between wife and husband: John Fetterman such a giant that he doesn’t fit in the photos. He’s wearing a suit and tie instead of his usual hoodie, she’s wearing a $12 hand-me-down suit, he points out.

Gisele shares fan posts who now consider her a gay icon. Claim the success of an entertaining and honest election campaign: we were attacked often and never reciprocated. She doesn’t intend to self-censor on her social media, which she uses to share her American life with her family in Brazil. I won’t let them steal my joy.

They insulted her for the color of her skin, they wrote her to go back to her country, a woman chased her shouting racist remarks at her in the supermarket. Her husband by status celebrated for winning back the vote of white voters working class both in cities and in forgotten rural areas, offering a model to the party, and she went there herself when he could not. We listened to people, not assuming that if they voted one way in the past, they always will. The truth and the values, the things that matter, they are the same in the homes of Democrats and Republicans. It was she who recognized John’s stroke, ssaving his life. Others would not go to the hospital for fear of not being able to pay. We were lucky.

Ms. Fetterman tweeted: Pennsylvania, your future senator’s wife an undocumented former immigrant. She arrived in New York at 7 with a brother and a mother with several degrees and a career that she came to housekeeping to chase the American Dream, she recalls as a child I was scared whenever someone knocked on the doorI wish they’d told me everything would be fine. Now I want to be the one to assure others. If that makes me a target, it’s worth it. Will not settle in Washington, will stay with the three children in Braddock, inner-city suburb of Pittsburgh where her husband is mayor and she runs the FreeStorewhich collects clothes and toys for the needy. They never moved into the Harrisburg mansion what he deserved as Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania: What an outdated and unrealistic idea to live like this on taxpayer money.

In Braddock, walking down the street, you notice signs on light poles: Write Love Letters, Eat More Veggies, More Flowers, Less Fighting. They are Gisele’s work, he made about two hundred of them.

November 28, 2022 (change November 28, 2022 | 22:47)

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