Pécresse wants to “avoid” it and returns the ball to the State and to companies

by time news

In an interview at Parisian, the regional president considers that this possible increase in the subscription would be “socially unbearable”.

Turn off the start of controversy. While the possible increase in the Navigo pass subscription from 75 to 90 euros has caused a lot of reaction since the hypothesis was mentioned, the president of the Île-de-France region spoke in an interview with Parisian, released Monday evening. To cope with the financial difficulties of the regional transport authority Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), the community is therefore agitating the threat of an additional cost for users in order to better put the government before its responsibilities.

«The Navigo pass at 90 euros is socially unbearable“, thunders Valérie Pécresse, who “fight to avoid that“. According to the former LR presidential candidate, the region is facing a drop in attendance – never returned to normal after the health crisis – and a “electricity price inflation”. Situation which leads, she indicates, to a shortfall of 750 million euros in total “to balance the budget».

SEE ALSO – The increase in the navigo pass has “no justification”, according to Clément Beaune

Considering that the region has already made a lot of efforts to “modernize”its transport infrastructure, Valérie Pécresse insists that “the State seems indifferent to the fate of travelers from the Ile-de-France region”, so asking hima shared efforton this budget file. If she does not understand this pass of arms with the executive, the president of the Île-de-France region reminds, on the other hand, companies that they “will benefit from a very significant reduction in the contribution on the added value of companies”. A precision far from being insignificant and which allows Valérie Pécresse to ask employers for a contribution of “barely 10%of the drop in the famous CVAE.

«Limit the increase to 80.80 euros» ?

Clearly, Valérie Pécresse wants to put pressure on the “financiers” so that they “play the game”. With “two red lines” : “No reduction in the offer to travelers and no reduction in investment to modernize the network.“ And the president of the Ile-de-France region to affirm that she recently consulted several local politicians so that they increase their contributions. “They all answered yes”. Then she discussed with the Medef “for companies to increase the mobility payment”: «They said no».

Unable to increase this contribution without the approval of parliament, Valérie Pécresse therefore accuses the State of “blocking”. “If all funders agree to increase their contribution by 7.5%, we can limit the increase in Navigo to 80.80 euros”, she hopes. Monday morning, the Minister of Transport Clément Beaune, on RMC, explained for his part that he “didn’t want us to have increases of this nature and was goingdo everything to avoid them”. “There is no justification for passing the Navigo to 100 euros”, he had scoffed. The member of the government wanted all the same “discuss support and help for the Île-de-France region”. As for Valérie Pécresse, she recalls that “the clock is turning“. A tariff deliberation must indeed be submitted to the regional council on December 7th. Until then, she keeps her “hand held out” towards the government.

SEE ALSO – Passe Navigo: Should the reduction for irregular migrants be abolished?

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