The compulsory control of the state of the boilers will also have to verify the existence of a thermostat

by time news

The Ministry of Ecological Transition specifies that this device “concerns all boilers whether individual, collective or company, and whatever the energy used”.

The mandatory control of the state of the boiler in a dwelling or buildings must now verify the existence of a thermostat and its proper functioning, according to a decree published in the Official Journal as part of the energy saving plan of the government. This provision “concerns all boilers whether individual, collective or company, and regardless of the energy used“, Specifies the Ministry of Ecological Transition, whose text published on Friday supplements four existing decrees. This also applies to heat pumps and air conditioning systems.

The professional in charge of the control mustcheck if there is a thermostat or not, if it works well or not, and also see if the heating or cooling networks are well insulated“, according to the same source. Heating equipment that is poorly maintained or not overhauled in its entirety leads to overconsumption which can be significant, in the order of 8% to 12%, according to the ministry. For example, good maintenance of the boiler and the installation of a controllable and automated regulation system, a set of offices of 1000 m2 can achieve up to 20% reduction in consumption and 5000 euros in savings. , according to a case presented on October 6 when the government launched its energy sobriety plan.

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The decree of November 21, 2022 “relating to the inspection and maintenance of boilers and thermodynamic systems” further provides that in the long term, office buildings or “tertiary buildings» will all have to have a building management system, in other words a system that automatically controls ventilation, temperatures and lighting. This will be mandatory on January 1, 2025 for buildings with a heating power greater than 290 kW, then from the threshold of 70 kW on January 1, 2027.

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