Orange zone and red zone from today, travel and shopping rules

by time news

Orange zone from today for almost all of Italy and softer rules for school, travel and categories of shops. In particular, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Piedmont fall into the band. Red zone only for Campania, Puglia, Valle d’Aosta and Sardinia, a month ago white zone and now struggling with the strictest bans to stem the spread of the coronavirus. The ordinances passed by Minister Roberto Speranza after the latest monitoring data come into force. For most of the country – in the absence of a yellow zone – here are the softer measures: always curfew from 10pm to 5am, but school is also open to the second eighth grade. High school students have at least 50% attendance.

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DISPLACEMENTS – The picture may change at the local level due to more restrictive ad hoc measures. In general, in any case, in the orange zone, a daily movement to a single private house inhabited in the municipal area is allowed, in no more than two people (in addition to under 14 and disabled or non self-sufficient people).

BAR – Catering services within the premises are suspended (including pubs, bars, restaurants, ice cream parlors and pastry shops). Catering with takeaway is allowed until 10 pm, with a ban on consumption on the spot or nearby. No restrictions on home delivery catering. For subjects whose main activity is one of those identified by the ATECO 56.3 codes (bars and other similar establishments without a kitchen), take-away is allowed until 6pm.

HAIRDRESSERS AND BEAUTICIANS – Commercial establishments all open in the orange zone with the usual hours, including personal services (hairdressers, beauticians, etc.). Instead, they remain closed in the red zone. On holidays and pre-holidays, in shopping centers there are pharmacies, parapharmacies, health centers, laundries and dry cleaners, food outlets, agricultural and horticultural products, tobacconists, newsagents and bookstores remain open.

SPORT – Gyms and swimming pools remain closed until April 30th. In the orange zone it is allowed to carry out sporting activities or outdoor motor activities, even in equipped areas and public parks, provided that in any case in compliance with the interpersonal safety distance of at least 2 meters for sporting activity, unless the presence of a companion for minors or for people who are not completely self-sufficient. It is allowed to go to public and private sports centers and clubs of one’s own municipality or, in the absence of such structures, to neighboring municipalities, to carry out basic sports activities exclusively outdoors. The use of internal changing rooms in clubs is prohibited. In the red zone, basic sporting activities and physical activity in general at public and private sports centers and clubs, both outdoors and indoors, are suspended. Contact sports prohibited.


As of today, 6.5 million students are in the classroom, 77% of the 8.5 million enrolled in state and peer institutions, ie almost eight out of ten. Almost a million more than in the past week, points out Tuttoscuola: as many as 400,000 in Lombardy alone. The only region in countertrend is Sardinia, from today in the red zone, where 63 thousand second and eighth grade and high school students will leave the classrooms and connect from home. In all, almost 2 million will still be at home in Dad.


“We have decided to reopen the school, we are aware that there is an element of risk in this choice. But we have decided to invest our treasure on the architrave of our country”. Roberto Speranza, Minister of Health, at Che tempo che fa. “The government has made a choice that I strongly defend and that we claim in our collegiality. Thanks to the measures adopted between March and April we have accumulated a very small treasure and we have chosen to invest it in schools, a pillar of Italian society that has paid a price very high in recent months. The government wants to try to have two months of school in the presence to allow our children to enjoy the pleasure of attending classes in the presence. All the data we have tells us that there are no problems in the classrooms, but they are linked to movements. We are aware that there is an element of risk in this choice, but we have decided to put this little treasure on the school, the architrave of our country “, says Speranza.

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