Violent reactions in the political system to the indictment against the head of the Chomash yeshiva: “disgrace”, “selective enforcement”

by time news

An uproar in the political system following the announcement of the filing of an indictment against the head of the Chomesh yeshiva Elishma Cohen for violating the secession law.

The head of the Shomron Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, attacked the filing of the indictment and said: “This is another example of the obsessive persecution of Jews. This decision is adding a sin to the crime of selective enforcement, to the crime of deportation, and the displacement of the settlements. This proves how important and obligatory it is to cancel the The Law of Disengagement, in full form. We demand that the law be repealed and we will stand for it. This indictment should be repealed. The law for which the head of Yeshiva Chomash received the indictment is the letter of Cain on the law book of the State of Israel, and this is further proof of the importance of passing the law to repeal the Law of Disengagement Immediately after the establishment of the national government”.

The former speaker of the Knesset and chairman of the Chomash Tahila lobby, MK Yuli Edelstein said: “The indictment that was filed against the head of the Yeshiva in the Chomash settlement, Rabbi Elishma Cohen, in which the possibility that the police would demand actual imprisonment was raised is a disgrace. This step by the police is another catalyst for the right-wing parties to form a government as soon as possible and pass the bill that I initiated, together with members of the right-wing bloc, regarding the repeal of the secession law. It is not possible for the State of Israel to carry out such selective and obsessive enforcement, while the illegal Arab-Palestinian construction is being ignored at best and the current government’s backlash at worst.”

MK Miki Zohar, former chairman of the coalition: “Repealing the cleansing law has become more relevant than ever. If we had succeeded in enacting it in the previous Knesset, this terrible injustice would have been spared. We will correct it in the next Knesset immediately after the formation of the government.”

Minister of the Economy and former Minister of Intelligence MK Eli Cohen: “The demand to put the head of the Chumash yeshiva in jail is a disgrace. After we establish a right-wing government, I will support the repeal of the secession law, a selective and discriminatory law that has no place in the law book of the State of Israel.”

Former Minister of Labor and Welfare MK Haim Katz: “This indictment is a shame for the State of Israel, selective enforcement against Jews only, this is something that will not happen in the Likud government. The right thing to do now is to act to regulate the Chumash yeshiva and to bring about the cancellation of the secession law.”

MK Simcha Rothman wrote: “The law of secession is a racist law, a stain on the law book of the State of Israel. A law that prohibits Jews, and only Jews, from accessing and living in a part of the Land of Israel must be repealed, without any delay, and we will work towards it so. Until then, the state attorney’s office owes the public an answer, why it enforces this law in a selective and discriminatory manner, and whether there was political interference in the judgment of the attorney’s office.”

Former Deputy Minister of Health MK Yoav Kish: “We must cancel the secession law. The selective persecution and enforcement against Jews in general and against Yeshiva Chumash in particular is another reason for the urgency of establishing a government quickly. We will come back and fix it.

MK Nissim Vatori commented on the indictment against the head of Yeshiva Chumash and said: “Probably someone in the police and the prosecutor’s office has not yet realized that the days of the extreme leftist government of Lapid and Gantz are over and with them the political persecution of the settlers. The announcement that the head of the Chumash yeshiva Rabbi Elishma Cohen is accused of violating the ‘disengagement law’ only because someone was disturbed by his presence in the Chumash settlement is a disgrace and the indictment should be immediately dismissed. “One line connects the indictment against Rabbi Cohen and the sending of a Givat soldier to ten days of confinement because of a statement that apparently did not please the outgoing Chief of Staff. It seems that someone in the army, the police and the prosecutor’s office wants to check the absorption threshold of the right-wing government that is about to be formed in the coming days,” added MK Vettori.

MK Almog Cohen, Otzma Yehudit: It is simply delusional that they give an indictment to the Rosh Yeshiva in Israel for violating the law of secession, it is the only law in the State of Israel that applies only against Jews! Forbidding Jews to live in the part that belongs to the Land and the people of Israel is racism. There is no definition for it Other.
The disengagement from northern Samaria proved to us with much blood that wherever Jews did not settle, terrorists settled.

MK Eliyahu Rabivo: “It is embarrassing and pathetic to be informed that the representatives of the leftist government continue to produce political and political hijackers in the last minutes of the evil and dying government. This is something that is not acceptable, there is a cynical attempt to kidnap and we will not accept it. And they also know that the first moment we form a government we will deal with all the distortions, including the cancellation of the law of secession from Northern Samaria”

MK Orit Struck from Religious Zionism said: “The indictment against the head of Yeshiva Chomesh, Rabbi Elishma HaCohen – is an indictment against all Israeli governments, for not having amended the law of secession, the law of injustice and folly, a blot on the law book of the State of Israel. In the last few days, my friend Yuli Edelstein and I, many MKs, signed the bill again. This time we will fix it.”

MK Dr. Shlomo Karai of the Likud said: “Rabbi Elishma Cohen who gave his life in recent years along with his students for the Torah and the country, including Yehuda Dimantman who was murdered at the gates of the 14th Yeshiva, should receive the decoration of the Minister of National Security. Blessed are you that you are caught on the words of the Torah. In the month of Kislu, the month of Jewish heroism, a government will be established in Israel that will put an end to this foolishness.”

MK Limor Son Har-Malech, who was expelled from her home in Chomesh as part of the disengagement plan, wrote: “The indictment filed against Rabbi Elishma Cohen, the head of the Chomesh Yeshiva, is a national disgrace to the State of Israel, which has added sin to the crime of disengagement, and has been persecuting for years the students of the Chomesh Tzaddikim Yeshiva on the land of Chumash. Last week, after a long struggle, we managed to insert into the coalition agreements the amendment to the Law of Disengagement in Chomash, which will allow the continuation of the yeshiva and the Jewish presence in the settlement without interruption, and will ensure that such cases will be a thing of the past. This achievement is the first step on the way to the complete repeal of the law of disengagement, and the full return of Jewish settlement to all the settlements in northern Samaria that were evacuated during the disengagement.”

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