“I have neglected my body and my health since 2015”: the president of Haute-Garonne leaves office

by time news

It’s a surprise for everyone… or almost. By announcing his departure from the Haute-Garonne departmental council, President Georges Méric has, in fact, kept a promise made in early 2021, before his second term, to retire at 75. “My political friends asked me, even demanded, that I represent myself. I was a good leader. My family was not entirely happy that I re-enlisted. I respect this promise with 4 days in advance “, has indeed recognized the one who will celebrate his birthday on December 3 next.

“There is no suddenness in the decision. I had informed my close political entourage of this 18 months ago. It is therefore a long-considered and applied decision. But I don’t see why I would have told you that I was going to leave my post. You would have told me it wasn’t serious. It may surprise you to see me go, but I’m not a typical politician. I’m a little weird…”

Returning to his deep motivations, Georges Méric confided that he “neglected [son] body and [sa] health since 2015” to devote himself exclusively to the responsibilities entrusted to him. “I am a doctor and I know that it is not reasonable to continue in this dangerous evasion”, he continued, referring to “some heart problems”.

Passing of the baton to the first vice-president

President of the Haute-Garonne department since 2015, he has been elected to the departmental council since 1988 and was also mayor of Nailloux between 1983 and 2008. “I have fulfilled my life well. Today I aspire to rest. To live closer to my family, which I have neglected, and to spend more time with my four grandchildren in particular. This lover of Spinoza and Montaigne also wants to catch up on his reading and pursue his philosophical quest.

Beyond the medical reasons, the elected socialist admits a certain weariness vis-à-vis the current society. “I am a political dinosaur. It’s not pejorative but I am from the Mitterrand generation and I endeavored to provide a conceptual fund to constitute a departmental policy. The changes in society are distressing. It is the reign of insignificance, superficiality, appearance and mediocrity. I am out of step. ” Visibly moved to leave ” a close-knit team “, Georges Méric specifies that this departure is nevertheless a ” small pleasure ” because he sees ” a certain elegance ” in the fact of withdrawing by leaving to the youngest the responsibility to continue the task .

It is moreover Sébastien Vincini, first vice-president, who will ensure the interim, the time of a new election within the departmental assembly. An elected official that the now ex-president of the Department sees a bit as the natural candidate for his succession. “He knows the institution well and the budget very well. He is politically trained and he is thirty years younger than me, that’s a plus, ”he points out with a smile.

Proud of his achievements

Regarding his action at the head of the Department of Haute-Garonne, he claims to have “no regrets”. “I carried out the policy that I expected, at best, every day, being involved day and night. I have no regrets because everything is relative. The incompleteness of things is political life. »

He claimed to have followed a conceptual compass, to guide policy choices. “There are three axes: emancipation, universalism and humanism. This is the basis of my action. Activist of the Socialist Party since 1967, Georges Méric puts forward a left-wing, united and progressive policy which places the human being at the heart of the project before taking up the verses of Paul Éluard: “Men are made to get along, to to understand each other, to love each other. »

Nupes support

Finally, he cited many achievements of which he is proud – social diversity in colleges, commitment to ecological transition, actions for local employment… and underlined having increased the investment budget from €140 million in 2015 to more than 250 million today. A way also to recall his fight to save the institution “in the face of neoliberal metropolisation”.

An ideology that he continues to denounce, calling in particular for the union of the left, he who supported the Nupes. “We must assume the break with globalized neoliberalism,” he says in view of the next PS congress. I’m tired of seeing the queues lengthen in front of the Restos du Cœur while the dividends from the Cac 40 soar. »

Aspiring to serenity, Georges Méric therefore offers himself an early Christmas present by withdrawing into what he calls his winter garden.

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