4 Days a Week Work Scheme: Introduction to UK Companies | 4 days work a week scheme introduction to UK companies

by time news

London: 100 companies in the UK have approved the 4-day week scheme. This is said in “The Guardian” newspaper.

In the previous economic environment, 5 days work per week was tiring and boring and they supported the plan of working only 4 days and insisted on its implementation. In the first phase, 100 companies have agreed to implement the new practice of working only 4 days a week. They have signed an agreement for the scheme which will benefit around 2,600 employees.

It has been informed that the current 4-day working plan will not reduce any benefits for the employees and they will be able to get the same salary as previously provided.

The companies are confident that this new scheme will improve the efficiency of the employees and create a huge change in the country.

In particular, Autom Bank and international marketing company Avin have announced that they will implement a plan to work only 4 days a week for their 450 employees in the UK. It says so.

Most of the companies that have officially adopted the 4-day work week are service sector companies such as IT and marketing. It is also reported that manufacturing and construction companies have also signed up to the scheme.

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