Registrations grow by 10% in the final stretch of the year

by time news

The penultimate month of the year gives manufacturers and dealers a break of cars, which see how the sales of passenger cars and SUVs closed positively in November, with growth of 10.3%, with 73,221 units. Thanks to this recovery, a total of 73,221 registered units were reached in the month, but there was still a decrease of 4.4% in the total for the year.

The national market chains its fourth month of increase, but the accumulated number of registrations falls to 739,469, 36% ilower than the same period of 2019 before the pandemic. Economic uncertainty, marked by rising inflation and the microchip crisis, which affects the stock of models at dealerships, continue to be the main factors determining the rate of sales.

Regarding registrations by channels, they a general improvement in line with the market. The greatest increase was registered in the rental channel, which obtained a growth of 79.7% and a total of 5,804 units, since it is making purchases for the Christmas campaign. For their part, sales to companies reached 31,641 units, with a rise of 10.1%. While registrations in the private channel achieved a moderate growth of 3.9%, with a volume of 35,776 units.

In November, light commercial vehicle registrations They accumulate a total of 10,159 units, which represents a decline of 3% compared to last year. In the accumulated of the year, 107,322 sales were recorded, which represent a decrease of 23.9% compared to the previous year. By channels, only sales to companies managed to grow, with an increase of 13.7% and 7,490 units sold. For their part, both the self-employed and the renter suffered a decrease this month, with a decrease of 21.2% and 44.2%, respectively.

The registrations of industrial vehicles, buses, coaches and minibuses in November closed another positive month, with an increase in sales of 18.5% and a total of 2,705 registered units.

From Anfac they value these figures with moderate optimism, since “it is a positive data and it indicates that the year It may end up around 820,000 new units sold. In any case, we will still be below the 2021 data and far from the pre-pandemic records obtained, above one million units sold“.

Faconauto, the employers’ association that integrates the associations of official dealerships of the brands, assures with these figures that “the main problem that has continued to drag the market are the bottlenecks in the supply of vehicles, to which has been added the sharp increase in price of fuels, which has demobilized many sales. In addition, we have been heavily mediated, like most sectors, by a drop in family consumption due to the escalation of inflation“.

From Ganvam, the National Association of Vehicle Sellers, they consider that el ‘Black Friday’, Unlike previous years, “it has practically not been used as a commercial hanger to boost registrations in the month of November. This is because the distribution networks are not in a position to play the trick of discounts at a time when the lack of stock and the rise in energy and raw material costs are pushing up the average price of vehicles”.

The average CO2 emissions of passenger cars sold in November remain at 120.4 grams of CO2 per kilometer traveled, 0.3% higher than the average emissions of the new passenger cars sold in the same month of 2021. In the accumulated period of the year, emissions have decreased by 3.3% compared to the same accumulated period of the previous year.

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