Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron display their wedding ring at the White House

by time news

Emmanuel Macron arrived with great fanfare at the White House on Thursday 1is december. The French presidential couple were greeted shortly after 9:20 a.m. local time by Joe Biden and his wife Jill, with all the pageantry associated with a state visit. The two leaders reaffirmed the Franco-American alliance, exchanging a hug on the steps of the White House.

For the first state visit of his administration, the American president underlined the « force » et “sustainable” “vitality” relations between the United States and France, its “oldest ally” et “Steadfast Partner”saluting, in French, the values ​​of ” Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity “.

“The United States could not ask for a better partner to work with than France”said Mr. Biden in a brief statement alongside the French president, stressing that the alliance with France remained “essential” to stability in the world, in the face of “climate crisis” and at the time when « Vladimir Poutine » try from “violently conquer Ukraine”et “break the peace on the European continent”.

US President Joe Biden welcomes French presidential couple Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron to the White House on Thursday, December 1.
Read also: Emmanuel Macron in the United States: “The stakes are undoubtedly less important for the United States than for France and Europe”

French President, “honored and moved” also recalled the “common history” between the two “sister nations”in their “fight for freedom”. “We need to know how to become brothers in arms again”, said Emmanuel Macron. The two countries “are the strongest allies because this friendship is rooted through the centuries”continued the French head of state.

The two leaders then met in the Oval Office before a joint press conference and a gala dinner in the evening.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Washington, Emmanuel Macron launches the offensive in the name of Europe

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