unforeseen events that we can find during the bridge

by time news

The Constitution Bridge falls in the harshest of autumn, the most delicate period of the year in terms of meteorological conditions unforeseen, as it is an irregular and hardly predictable season.

However, we must be clear that the cold is going to be the protagonist, whatever the conditions that accompany it: sun, rain, snow, hail, fog, ice… That is why it is important to prevent any compromising situation by setting up our vehicle and planning the trip properly.

Uncertainty is the word that defines the predictions of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), which predicts that the week of December 5 to 11 could be more rainy than usual in the south and east of the Peninsula and in the two archipelagos and less rainy than normal in the far north. Regarding the temperatures, it is expected that they move in their own values ​​for the season in the northern half and somewhat warmer than normal in the south and both archipelagos.

Driving in fog, rain, snow, ice, wind is a risky practice that we should avoid as much as possible. However, if we are surprised in the middle of a trip, we must take into account the recommendations offered by Alquiber.

For example, when driving in fog, visibility is drastically reduced in the middle of a fog bank, so it is advisable to turn on the dipped beam headlights and fog lights whenever visibility is reduced, adapt the speed and the safety distance with the vehicle in front (always watching your brake light), do not brake suddenly and avoid overtaking. In case it is very dense, we can take the road markings to the right of the road as a reference (on motorways and dual carriageways you should always drive in the right lane if it is foggy), but paying special attention to two-wheeled vehicles and pedestrians that may occupy that space. If, finally, the density of the fog or some other incident forces us to stop, we must pay attention to signaling our position so as not to surprise other drivers, turning on the emergency flashers, headlights and fog lights.


Rain and wind make driving difficult

In the case of rain, visibility problems must also be added to the loss of grip of the vehicle, so it is not only advisable to turn on the dipped beam headlights, but also other types of measures designed to combat condensation on the windows and mechanical systems, such as directing the vehicle’s interior heating towards the windows (and cleaning them with a dry cloth), periodically checking the effectiveness of the brakes, gently touching them to dry the moisture on the pads. It is also necessary to avoid sudden braking that can cause skidding and aquaplaning and increase the safety distance with the vehicle in front.

If the rain causes the vehicle to lose grip, the snow and ice cause the grip to disappear completely. The use of approved snow chains or winter tires will help us with this problem. It must also be taken into account that the first flakes already turn the asphalt into a slippery surface and that a thick snowfall can hide road signs and markings, further reducing visibility.

Drive following the tracks of the preceding vehicles, being extremely smooth when turning, accelerating and braking, and drive in the highest possible gear as well. it will help us to avoid unpleasantness. The other measures are similar to those that must be taken in the event of fog and rain: turn on the dipped beam headlights and fog lights if the snowfall is very dense, adapt the speed and safety distance, do not brake suddenly and avoid overtaking and, in In the event of any incident on the road, immediately turn on the emergency flashers, headlights and fog lights.

As for the wind, an unexpected gust of wind can be as dangerous as the meteorological situations described above, both due to its strength (capable of altering that of the vehicle) and its unpredictability. Faced with a strong and sudden gust of wind that arose after an overtaking, at intersections with other vehiclesat the exit of a tunnel and, in general, in places with little protection from the road, it is only necessary to slow down and hold the steering wheel tightly to avoid dangerous deviations.

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