just a glass of wine, it was a business meeting – time.news

by time news

Give us today our daily Ibra. After the controversial expulsion remedied in Parma-Milan on Saturday 10 April, the Swede finds himself at the center of a case, this time extra-football, destined to be discussed. According to what is published by the site Fanpage.it – which offers a detailed reconstruction complete with photos – Zlatan on Sunday 11 April, in spite of the red zone restrictions, he would have had a restaurant in Milan open for a lunch with friends (apparently from 300 euros each).

“No lunch”

The restaurant is that of Tano Simonato, owner of «Tano passami olio», who in January had joined the «Io apro» initiative. The photos show Ibrahimovic sitting with chef Simonato and other people without a mask and around a table with glasses of wine. Among those present there was also the former AC Milan player Abate. Simonato would have confirmed: “Ibra and Ignazio (Abate, ed) with another dear friend came to see me, we were there for a couple of hours and then they went home”. Simonato denies, however, that Ibra had lunch: “It was a thing between normal friends, we are friends and we see each other from time to time if we don’t see each other at other friends. They didn’t have lunch, we drank a glass of wine as friends ».

Testimonial for the Region

The thesis of the “glass of wine and that’s it” is also the one supported by Milan: according to the club, it would have been a simple private business meeting with a limited number of people. Zlatan would be in the club for just over an hour to discuss business before leaving. In any case, if so, it seems clear violation of the rules of the red zone, even more surprising if you consider that Ibra himself was chosen by the Lombardy Region as a testimonial against Covid: «The virus challenged me and I won, but you are not Zlatan do not challenge the virus. Use your head and respect the rules: distance and masks ».

April 12, 2021 (change April 12, 2021 | 16:38)

© Time.News

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