The Jerusalem lesson that conquers the Torah world

by time news

An innovation in the world of the Torah, a daily lesson in the Jerusalem Talmud: thousands of Jews throughout the generations paid for this great moment, to make a “Jerusalem ending” | Now it is within reach, with a daily investment of 20 minutes – listening to the wonderful lesson of Rabbi Yosef Aryeh HaCohen Schwartz, Rabbi of Amonat HaTorah in Monsi

With the beginning of the new cycle of studying the “daily page” in the “Jerusalem Talmud” as prescribed by the great and tzaddiki of the last generation, the happy news was received throughout the Torah public in the Land of Israel and in the Diaspora, scholars and homeowners, old men with boys, young men and women, about the wonderful lessons in the Jerusalem Talmud , which are delivered day by day according to the order of the “daily page”.

The wonderful sweet lesson from honey, delivered by the renowned teacher-teacher, here from Margaliot, the Hasidic genius Rabbi Yosef Aryeh HaCohen Schwartz, Abd of Amonat HaTorah in Monsieur, the OT of the HaGhak, who has the voice of a lion, who was known for the sweetness of his lips And with his lips dripping with myrrh, in an excellent explanation and in a clear and pleasant language, in a clear language that is equal to any soul, while bringing comprehensive information that is presented in the “Talmud Babylon” and in Asuki Shematta Aliba Dahalkhta, and all this for only 20 minutes.

And it is already known throughout the diaspora of Israel the greatness of the sanctity of studying the Jerusalem Talmud, and how much effort one must have to understand the complicated issues that lie between the pages of the “Yerushalmi”, and the words of the Rana Ramban brought by the “Peni Moshe” are already known: “And there is not only one in a generation who stands in the interpretation of the Jerusalem.” And so the Naziv wrote: “The holiness of the Jerusalemite is greater than the Babylonian, as far as what was done by the Amorites of Kamai, he admitted that the holiness of the first ones was more accurate to the truth, and also that the holiness of the Land of Israel was beneficial.”

And indeed many commentators have explained why the “Jerusalemite” is a difficult study, and this is how the renowned genius Rabbi Ya’akov Emdin explained why there is difficulty in learning Jerusalemite in its golden language: “But surely they had a point in confusing the language of the Jerusalemite Talmud, perhaps so that nations would not understand it and people would distance themselves from it Bad people unworthy of his light.” Fear of fears!!.

Magash Rabbi Schwartz, with Shar HaTorah Hagarh Kniyevsky zt’l

And here, throughout the generations, we have had great difficulty understanding the issues of the Yerushalmi on Borim, and many pens have been broken to understand and become educated in the depth of its issues, but in the 20th century, thousands of “Yerushalmi” students are now privileged to enjoy the rabbi’s wonderful lessons, which are delivered regularly every day.

And the rabbi had already said his first lesson, in the name of his elder, the Ghakah the “Lion’s Voice” ztzel, who used to say in the blessing of the food, “The Merciful will grant us the coming of the Messiah” instead of “the days of the Messiah”, and he explained this by saying: “For we are already in the days of the Messiah, and we only need to to pray for the coming of the Messiah.” And now hundreds of years have passed since then, and it is possible that you are now starting a “Seder Zeraim” in the “Jerusalem Talmud”, in preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Rabbi Schwartz also shared the personal request of Maran the Torah minister Gerach Kanievsky zt’al to start saying a daily lesson in Yerushalim, which was expressed that thanks to learning Yerushalim one sees salvations and miracles.

At the request of many great and pious people, who consider it of the utmost importance to study the “daily page in Jerusalem”, a special telephone was also added in the Land of Israel through which it was possible to listen to the wonderful lessons in the Jerusalem Talmud.

Dear Jew! Come and join the legion of a king, take advantage of the precious opportunity that has come to you, and join in listening to the sweet lessons, by phone at 02.3752100 or by email [email protected] – and you will have the privilege of delving into and understanding the study of the “Yerushalmi”, through the wonderful lesson, and over the years you will have the privilege of being one of the privileged few who were privileged to finish “Yerushalmi Talmud”.

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