Maria Neger: For her 100th birthday a donation for “Steirer mit Herz”

by time news

Heimschuherin Maria Neger, who has been lovingly cared for by her family in Gleinstätten for many years, celebrated the completion of her 100th birthday. To round it off, she gave up gifts and gave presents to the “Steirer mit Herz” association.

GLEINSTALTS. The Union “Styrian with heart” opens the heart all year round for people who depend on outside help to be able to master their lives well. This would not be possible without the active support of the many donors.

Birthday fundraiser

Her heart opened to her 100th birthday also Maria Neger. She refrained from giving gifts on the occasion of her round and handed over the donations, which the many well-wishers handed over, to the “Steirer mit Herz” association with chairman Marcel Resh.

Big thanks to the “co-citant”

“There is not just one ‘co-citant’ – but ‘this’ co-citant is a very special one!
Thank you very much, dear Ms. Neger, for using the happy occasion to donate to the association instead of gifts for yourself “Styrian with heart” to collect! All the best for the years to come!” Marcel Resh when accepting donations.

Marcel Resch from the association is also responsible for the production of human hair wigs for children with cancer

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