peak in Italy at the beginning of the year. The symptoms and how to treat it»-

by time news

Interview with the epidemiologist Giovanni Rezza: «The epidemic we are facing is ‘Australian’: these viruses have not been circulating for two years. The vaccine is very useful: priority for the elderly and frail”

We archived it for two years and now we have to relearn how to manage it, the flu.

Sara “a season of very high intensity, with a peak that could come sooner. Instead of January-February, in the weeks of the beginning of the year», it foreshadows its impact John Rezza, director of the prevention department of the Ministry of Health. However, he premised that «no one can be a seer. We are dealing with bizarre viruses.”

Meanwhile, the data speaks volumes. According to the Influnet surveillance network, in the week of November 21 to 28, the last of which certain updates are available, the incidence of flu-like syndromes, caused by a mixture of respiratory viruses, took a decisive leap forward. We have gone from 9.5 cases per thousand inhabitants to 12.9. More than 2.5 million have contracted the infection since the start of the season. So we are already positioned in the medium intensity range and we are only at the beginning of winter.

And children, the most susceptible group?

“Under the age of 5 there was a surge to 40.8 cases per thousand compared to 29.6 the previous week”.

How come?
«The little ones, especially from 0 to 2 years of age, have practically never encountered these viruses because they have spent the last two winters at home or with schools closed. In those seasons, the flu had a hard time spreading. They are therefore very exposed to contagion ».

Are they just flu viruses?
“No, many viruses have been isolated that give similar forms, but the flu prevails”.

What disease will it be for adults and children?
«Nothing changes from the point of view of the symptoms which last an average of 5 days. Very high fever that rises rapidly, bone pain, sore throat, runny nose, loss of appetite. Even the treatments do not change. Take antipyretics to lower the temperature, drink plenty, rest and no antibiotics unless indicated by the doctor when faced with suspicion of a bacterial complication. We still remember that antibiotics do not work against viruses ».

Children’s emergency rooms are crowded with anxious parents.
“If the fever remains high, let’s not be alarmed.”

What flu viruses are circulating in the 2022-23 season?
«The A H3 N2 strain, identified in Australia, the Darwin, should prevail over the others. If so, we should call it an Australian epidemic, given that every year we rename the waves based on the country where the first isolation took place”.

What does the flu in the summer, disappear?
“He withdraws. If we went looking for it, we’d find rare cases. By now it has acquired a seasonal pattern out of habit and returns in the cold months while Sars, also a respiratory virus, circulated in the heat (read the first isolation in Italy here) ».

Is vaccination useful?
“Very helpful. The 2020-21 vaccination campaign had gone well. Then all the attention was focused on Covid and coverage in the elderly over 65 dropped from 65% to 58%. It should be recommended for the elderly, for whom the adjuvanted formulation is preferable, and for the frail. It can be done easily together with the fourth dose against Sars-CoV-2, it is recommended for pregnant women. For these groups of the population it is free (read the interview with Schillaci here)».

And the children?
«In Anglo-Saxon countries the vaccine is promoted from 6 months to two years with the aim of reducing circulation in the community and protecting the weak. There is a spray vaccine indicated for 2 to 6 years of age as a substitute for the sting. Correct strategy, but the priority is the elderly and frail”.

December 4, 2022 (change December 4, 2022 | 08:21)

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