Over 80 Instagram photographers discovering Trajan’s Markets

by time news

Over 80 photographers and Instagram influencers to discover Trajan’s Markets in the unprecedented context of a night opening. This is the experience lived by the Igers Italia and Igers Roma communities last night as part of the initiative #EmptyMuseum. A sort of “multifunctional centre”, where public activities were carried out, above all of an administrative nature.

In 12 hours the Igers and influencers shared over 600 storiesreaching a basin of approx 3 million followers. The data demonstrate the now central and consolidated role of social media and visual storytelling in narrating, enhancing and disseminating the beauty of the national cultural heritage to the general public. .

Born on Instagram in 2013, the #EmpityMuseum initiative starts from the idea of ​​spreading an unusual image of cultural spaces, which in the evening – now empty – in a new version. The profiles that participated, each with its own thousands of followers, allowed the initiative to go viral. The surprises at Trajan’s Markets were not lacking: the actors Andrea Lami e Robert Anna and the saxophonist Leonard Russottodirected by the actor and director Vincenzo Iantornoaccompanied the Igers to discover the museum by recounting the deeds of Trajan, through the reading of the text Panegyric to Trajan by Pliny the Younger, in the version by Vittorio Alfieri and Roman History by Cassio Dione and the poem Alexandros by Giovanni Pascoli.

“The #EmptyMuseum is an important opportunity to promote Rome’s artistic and cultural heritage. We strongly supported the event and we allowed the organization of an exclusive night visit at the Trajan Museums reserved for the Igers invited by the community, obtaining a great image boost”, declared Alessandro Onorato, Councilor for Major Events, Sport, Tourism and Fashion. “Just think that the top ten influencers with the most followers who will participate boast 1.6 million followers and the 95 Igers Italia communities that will relaunch the contents have over 1 million followers. The Igers will create extraordinary digital postcards of Rome, capable of generating real effects on tourism, activating a real virtuous promotional circuit”.

“After the success of last year’s #EmptyMuseum at the Capitoline Museums, I am very happy with this second edition, with even more significant numbers that confirm the increasingly central importance of promoting culture in our city thanks to digital technology. Fundamental to the organization was the support of the Department of Major Events, Sport, Tourism and Fashion which opened the doors of Trajan’s Markets to us, allowing Igers, communication professionals, content creators, influencers and photography enthusiasts to tell the story of a city through social media. Rome deserves to be experienced and told, through events like this which aim to bring even a young audience closer to the beauties of our heritage.” – he has declared Matteo Molle, Community Manager of Igers Rome.

It is possible to relive the visit through the contents shared by the Igers with hashtags #EmptyTraiano, #IgersItaliaXmasMeet2022 and #RaccontandoRoma. IgersItalia is the largest and most consolidated Italian community linked to the world of territorial promotion and the production of multimedia content.

Among the most relevant profiles who attended the event:

Julia Latini@bionditudo 764k followers

Blessed Mace@bendettamazza 391k followers

Fabrizia Spinelli@cosa_mi_metto 141k followers

Marika Marangella @marikamarangella 59,6k followers

Julius Pugliese@giuliopugliese 40,3k followers

Igersitalia is the national association that recognizes and represents enthusiasts and professionals specialized in the production of digital content. This is the largest Italian community linked to the world of local promotion and visual communication, with particular reference to digital photography, mobile photography and, more generally, the production of multimedia content.

Its reference platform is Instagram; from this platform the contents and projects of the Community reverberate through all web and social channels, reaching millions of people in Italy in the world.

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