VIDEO. “I thought I was losing 5-0, it’s not so bad”: we followed it with Polish fans

by time news

The France team won 3 to 1, the match of 8th finals of the World Cup which opposed it to Poland. In the aveK bar, located in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris, Polish students from the ASPOL association had gathered to watch the match together… And share their disappointment after 90 minutes. Even if for Joanna, Gustaw and Alexander, the score could have been higher: “I thought we were going to lose 5-0, it’s not so bad after all, it’s almost a success for us! jokes Alexander, who is studying journalism.

The only consolation for fans of the Polish team, like Mathieu: the penalty scored during extra time by Lewandowski. “Good luck for the quarters! concludes Gustaw, a young Pole studying diplomacy at Sciences-po Paris. Watch our video report at the top of the article.

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