“Doctor Manoon” updates epidemiological information, knowing what “viral disease” is spreading?

by time news

On December 5, 2022 “Doctor Manoon” Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong, a specialist in respiratory diseases Vichaiyut Hospital Post a message via Facebook, Doctor Manoon Lee Chaweng Wong FC, stating that

follow up on epidemiological data Be aware of what viral diseases are spreading

In November 2022, information from Vichaiyut Hospital tracking respiratory infections caused by the virusCOVID-19 virusinfluenza RSV (RSV) and human metapneumovirus (hMPV)

Last month, an infected person with the COVID-19 virus was found. From both ATK and RT-PCR tests, 1,536 cases were in an uptrend for 2 consecutive months (see chart).

found infectedinfluenza virusLast month, 34 cases were in a downtrend (see graph), 23 RSV respiratory virus cases were in a downtrend (see graph), and five cases of hMPV human metapneumovirus respiratory virus.

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meet Dengue fever Caused by dengue virus increased to 56 cases (see graph). Chikungunya disease was found. or fever, joint pain, mosquitoes, 5 cases

Noro and Rota viruses cause severe diarrhea in both children and adults. Last month, there were 8 cases of norovirus and 6 cases of rotavirus.

virus epidemic situationCOVID-19 Omicron is in a steady uptrend. While influenza viruses and RSV have declined, dengue fever transmitted by mosquito bites is now on the rise.

Wearing a hygienic mask, spacing and washing hands regularly. Help prevent infection and spread all kinds of respiratory viruses.

ask everyone to pick upCOVID Vaccineat least 3 doses, followed by an additional booster dose 4 months after the last dose Especially those who are not naturally infected with the COVID virus. For people who have received 3-4 injections of the vaccine and are naturally infected Let’s wait for the new vaccination next year. And everyone should get the flu vaccine once a year.

What will December be like? Stay tuned for next month’s report.

Source: Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong FC

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