Owners of electric vehicles: soon you will be able to charge anywhere in Israel

by time news

Layout of charging stations throughout Israel (freepik photo, unsplash)

No less than 1511 slow charging points (AC) for electric vehicles in private parking lots open to the general public will soon be established all over the country, this as part of the Ministry of Energy’s activity for a wide deployment of charging stations in Israel. This move is the result of a call issued by the Ministry for granting grants for the establishment of slow charging stations (AC) for charging electric vehicles in parking lots, which was won by 16 different bidders, who will set up the stations within 24 months.

The winning bidders will receive grants from the Ministry of Energy in a total amount of approximately NIS 5.8 million, up to NIS 5,000 for a single charging point. This, as part of the ministry’s activity to encourage a switch to electric and cleaner vehicles.

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These are mainly parking lots of shopping centers, shopping malls as well as arranged parking lots in the local authorities that are not owned by the Authority but privately owned. In addition, as part of the call, the winners committed to ensure that at least 5% of the stations they set up will be accessible charging stations for people with disabilities. The winning bidders are parking lot owners who contact the charging station construction company or, alternatively, a charging station construction company that contacts the private parking lot owner.

This move joins the extensive activity of the Ministry of Energy to deploy charging stations all over the country, when just four months ago the Ministry announced the granting of grants in the amount of over 5 million shekels for the establishment of 1,122 charging stations in 37 local authorities throughout the country. These calls are a continuation of the ministry’s support for the establishment of approximately 2,500 charging stations at a cost of NIS 30 million from 2018. These days, the call for grants for the establishment of fast and ultra-fast (DC) charging stations on traffic routes and in central locations in local authorities nationwide has been closed, and its results are expected to be published soon.

The Ministry of Energy works vigorously to remove the barriers to the development of the electric vehicle market, and makes sure to cooperate and harness both the Electricity Authority and the Electric Company to the task of establishing the necessary infrastructure. The ministry even promoted the government’s goal as part of the decision-makers’ proposal for the 2022 budget goals to establish a goal of ending the sale of non-electric private vehicles starting in 2030. All this, as part of the ministry’s energy economy goals for 2030 to reduce the use of fuel products and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Israel.

Chen Bar-Yosef, director of the fuel administration at the Ministry of Energy: “Owners of electric vehicles know that the big question when they set off is where can we charge the vehicle? We at the Ministry of Energy are working to solve this issue and have deployed charging stations all over the country. We recently selected sixteen winners New in the tender whose goal is to deploy charging stations in dozens of parking lots all over the country. These charging stations will allow refueling with a credit card, and five percent of them will be accessible to people with disabilities. This will greatly increase the deployment of charging stations all over the country so that owners of electric vehicles – those who already have and those Those who are going to buy – will have no problems finding available positions wherever they go.”

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