In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 23 November: A wasted year: resuscitation at the stake. The Regions: “Limits to no vax”

by time news

The interview – Goffredo Bettini

“At Colle an anti-piled president: in the center there is only chaos”

Goffredo Bettini, I provoke you immediately: which Prince do you recommend today? I don’t recommend, if anything I sometimes influence my ideas; that I always express freely, publicly and in the open. For fifty years I have been a militant and then a leader of the Italian left. If I still have some listening it’s because I’ve never had the anxiety of […]

He folder

The executioners of a jewel: who killed Tim

The disaster from privatization to today. The long agony from the “Razza Padana” to Pirelli to the current crisis: those who drowned the former monopolist by burning billions and 80 thousand jobs

Liguria Region

Energy, waste, ships, healthcare. Here is who financed Toti

The investigation – Not only Black Oils, Waste and Moby ended up in the investigation of the Prosecutor’s Office: over two million to its committees from 2016 to 2021

The interview – Massimo Casiraghi

“We 5S in the classroom against Uggetti. Di Maio? I’m not sorry “

“Pools” case – Former mayor acquitted on appeal: rigged the race but “did not harm the public interest”

Globetrotting Senator

Renzi is already in Dubai: he talks about the “government of the future”

Matteo Renzi never stops, at least as a lecturer. Just long enough to close the Leopolda and just before presenting himself to the Senate for Immunities, where he will speak about the investigation on Open, the former premier is expected today in Dubai for the umpteenth conference, just a stone’s throw from the pavilions of the ‘Expo. The title of the panel is […]

France – Egypt

“Operation Sirli”: Egyptian raids on civilians with French help

On 13 February 2016, a bus enters the Marsa Matruh base, 600 kilometers west of Cairo. Ten Frenchmen get out of the vehicle: they have a tricolor passport with a tourist visa in their pockets. Together with some Egyptian soldiers they reach a building without running water which will become their headquarters thereafter. That clandestine commando, […]


The Communist “count” Pietrangeli. Son of art, but rebellious

Farewell to the Roman singer-songwriter and director

The “anti-Draghi”

Bindi or even Finocchiaro: 5S and the woman from the Quirinale

To relaunch the idea, two days ago, a rather angry contiano, Stefano Patuanelli, provided: “I would like the next head of state to be a woman”. And behind the syllables spoken to Corriere della Sera by the Minister of Agriculture, there is above all the desire to sting the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi. The man to whom Giuseppe Conte is a […]


Iv wants the South (and starts from Reggio)

Forza Italia Viva – The agreement with the dem Falcomatà, suspended for Severino


He was a consultant in the case of the Ligurian landfill: the former Pd now lobbyist under investigation

Business – To the Zunino company 316 thousand euros from Colucci

The fourth wave

The Regions insist: No vax limitations. Dragons ready to surrender

When at 6 pm the undersecretary to the Prime Minister Roberto Garofoli, sent by Mario Draghi, meets the governors at Palazzo Chigi, the decision is almost made, even if officially the premier is still “reflecting”: in the new decree, which will be approved on Wednesday in the evening or at the latest on Thursday, the squeeze for the citizens should arrive […]

The case

Unvaccinated doctors and nurses suspended: one in 5 appeals

Against the obligation – Many fleeing to the East

Health to collapse

In Germany, you select who is to be treated and who is not

After reading the data of the new infections, the German Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, was tragic: “By the end of this winter in Germany they will all be vaccinated, cured or dead”. ICUs are no longer able to manage hospitalizations. Some patients from Bavaria have already been sent to Tyrol since last week. In […]

The indication of Draghi

Beaches, new rules in the budget law: negotiation with the League to protect the “little ones”

The government will not wait until 2022 to regulate the beach concessions sector. After the sentence of the Council of State of 9 November which imposed the return to free competition of the beaches from 1 January 2024, the Prime Minister Mario Draghi gave mandates to his advisers Francesco Giavazzi and Marco D’Alberti of […]

Abuse of office falls

“The fact is no longer a crime”: General Del Sette acquitted

General Tullio Del Sette (former commander general of the Carabinieri), general Antonio Bacile and Gianni Pitzianti (delegate of Cocer-Cobar) were acquitted “because the fact is no longer foreseen by the law as a crime”. On the basis of the 2020 reform on abuse of office, the act or measure carried out with discretion is not criminally punishable: for this reason […]

Court of Rome

“Stalking on the ex”. Varriale to trial with immediate rite

Enrico Varriale on trial for stalking. The Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office requested and obtained from the investigating judge the immediate rite for the Rai Sport journalist. The accusation concerns the alleged stalking carried out this summer against the former partner. The first hearing is set for January 18. On 30 September Varriale, defended by the lawyer Fabio Lattanzi, had been […]

“Salerno System”

“De Luca’s man warned the company about a tender”

The wiretapping that kicked off the latest investigation into the “Salerno System”, or if you prefer “De Luca System”, was heard by the Turin Prosecutor’s Office. Autumn 2016, the Deluchian councilor for Commerce Dario Loffredo on the phone – the recent minutes of the ras of the coop Vittorio Zoccola indicate him in the ‘magic circle’ that he commands in Salerno together with the deputy Piero […]

Forgotten dossier

The Anpi presses Palazzo Chigi: “What happened to the dissolution of Forza Nuova?”

“We are here to break the silence and re-launch the request for the dissolution of Forza Nuova to the government”. With these words, the president of the Anpi, Gianfranco Pagliarulo, yesterday inaugurated the press conference that brought together the Forum of anti-fascist and resistance associations. And which started from an eloquent question, as per the title of the event: “A […]

Savi’s lawyer: “It must be removed”

Uno Bianca, “the plate has one more victim”

In the plaque affixed in the “Garden of Memory” in Rimini in memory of the victims of the white Uno gang, returned to the city last Saturday after the redevelopment, there would be one more name. It is that of Fathi Ben Massen, a Tunisian killed in Rimini on 19 December 1990 in front of the Blue Line bar, during an assault in […]

Fumagalli (M5S)

“Health reform? As Formigoni did “

To protest the new healthcare reform in Lombardy, Marco Fumagalli, regional councilor for the 5 Star Movement, decided to dress in the style of former president Roberto Formigoni. “Since the contents of the (non) reform are in perfect continuity with the regional health model conceived by Formigoni and carried out by Maroni – […]

Naples, northern suburbs

Camorra, Liberation Committee is born

The “Committee for the liberation from the Camorra of the North of Naples” was officially constituted yesterday, in the Green Park of Caivano, a reality in which churches, voluntary associations, representatives of institutions and citizens converge with the intention of building a new experience in one of the areas with the highest mafia infiltration in Italy. The committee will work in the area that […]

The Kkr

Stock boom. But the unions are on the alert

The game – The offer of 11 billion

The real best

The other Italy: won but not a victim

Gobetti, Pasolini, Bobbio & C. – Minorites compared to the hegemony of their times, defeated and often forgotten. But they never gave up. This is why these intellectuals remain as seeds for the fruits of the future


Suv on parade, the driver fleeing the scene of a stabbing

The man who, driving an SUV, mowed down dozens of people Sunday afternoon, swooping into a pre-Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, was fleeing the scene of a stabbing. The suspected perpetrator of the massacre is Darrell Brooks Jr, 39: a rapper who calls himself MathBoi Fly. He would be driving the Ford Escape […]

In the bookstore

Terror Travel Guide: The thrill extends the journey

The “Atlas of haunted places” is out: 50 locations around the world where ghosts, legends and atrocious stories have become legend


“My arteries swollen for your only love”: the muses of Apollinaire, libertine and alcoholic

Paris translates erotic poems

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