Everyone puts their personal situation aside

by time news

In the shadow of the criticism leveled at him by the chairman of Maccabi Rishon Lezion, Yitzhak Perry, the new coach of the Israeli national team, Guy Goodes, spoke tonight (Monday) at the press conference ahead of the pair of games against Poland and Estonia, as part of House 4 in the World Cup qualifiers. The first game of the blue-and-whites under the guidance of Goodes will be against Poland (Thursday, 19:00) in Heichal Shlomo and in the second the away game will be against the Estonians. The press conference was broadcast live on the ONE website.

“In the national team, I do not talk about Rishon Lezion, just as Gal Makal does not talk about Andorra,” declared Goodes, who did not address questions about his condition at the Wine City club. “In the Israeli team, everyone puts aside the situation from which they come. The team is one and everyone is focused on it, no matter what baggage you come with. You put everything aside and come in with positive energies for the success of the team. Every personal agenda does not matter. “

Goodes and stick ahead of World Cup qualifiers

After removing this issue from the table, the coach addressed the task facing him and his players at the early home: “There is no doubt that it is a supreme goal to qualify for the World Cup. It is a big challenge but there is a primary house that we will have to get out of at least the first three and in the highest position there is. It’s not a fluke and we’re done so it’s most important for us to concentrate on the next window and let it direct all our energies and concentration. Then we will reorganize for the February window, this is the way, not to look too far because it is confusing and wrong. “

Regarding his excitement meter ahead of the premiere on the lines, he said: “Excited, even after going through a lot of things in basketball. It’s a different excitement to meet the team members and the new / old professional team, with the players I all know and love. We want to start on the right foot and are happy that the hall will be full and there will be a good atmosphere, because it is important for the players. The willingness and desire of the players to be part and represent is something that arouses a lot of admiration and respect, because I too was a team player and fun to see the players who come even from Europe, like Gal who came today and has already trained. For me, it’s worth everything. “

The national coach also analyzed the quality of his staff: “Look at the staff in terms of the tall, the guards, there is a super quality staff here that has not been for many years, a staff that grew together. A combination of young and old, which is the biggest mix, I do not see for example the need for a permanent citizen for a selected purpose, why a citizen? I’m wrong?”.

Goodes also did not forget to thank Maccabi Tel Aviv, who released Yiftach Ziv and Jake Cohen to the current window on but the fact that he clashes with the team’s Euroleague games: Next game we will also have Roman Sorkin and John Dibertolomao, which is great. Each team brings in whoever it can because of the clashes, so there is nothing to do with subtractions. As for the players, it is clear that on paper it gives more quality Euroleague players on the squad, but it is on paper and it needs to be translated into action on the pitch. “

And what does he think of the method of his predecessor in office, Oded Katash? We will continue with the same style, there is nothing to change too much when something is not broken. Players here play together for a long time and that is an advantage. We will play with the same method. ”

One of the most intriguing players on the roster is Yam Madar, about whom the coach said: “Every player makes one progress or another. Yam trains with the best coach in Europe (Zeljko Obradovic) and this helps him to become a mature player and gain a lot more experience. He suffered minor injuries with which he arrived and is being treated. I believe he will be fit. ”

Captain, Gal Mekel, Added: “It’s fun to have an audience, playing for it in the team, it’s something different and it’s fun to come. In recent years we have connected and crystallized and the whole society around here knows that we enjoy every window. Very excited to meet the audience after a while and want to open on the right foot. Every game is critical because in this format you carry victories from the first stage. Of course you want to go up but there is no difference between winning in both stages and every game is very important. Need to concentrate on Poland, after that Estonia and then think ahead, I believe in us. In the window system it is a bit difficult but I feel there is maturity to do something big and with the help of the name it will start in the qualifiers and continue in the summer at the European Championships ”.

“Most of the company here have tasted the team, even if it is the exception,” the veteran guard continued. “Obviously there are players whose role will probably be bigger than before, but I feel that there is a cohesive group that supports each other. We have learned our benefits and everyone knows what he brings and will give up the ego. Join players who come from all sorts of places and that’s our strength. Now more than ever there are a lot of players in overseas frames at high levels, whether it be Euroleague, Eurocup, French and Spanish league and sea at the best coach in Europe. It’s a bonus for the team. “

In conclusion, he said on a personal note: “I am very excited to play in front of family and friends, because it is missing on this day of warmth and love. I’ve been fighting for it a lot in recent years, despite injuries and this is one of my great pleasures at this stage of my career. “


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