“Bennett and Lapid do not oppose Iran’s nuclear deal”

by time news

The faction’s meetings were held in the Knesset today (Monday) with the recent events in the background: preparations for the resumption of nuclear talks with Iran, the espionage affair at the defense minister’s home, the law restricting the prime minister’s tenure and the terrorist attack in Jerusalem yesterday. Among other things, Justice Minister Gideon Saar updated that he would today bring the bill to limit the term of office of prime minister.

“I read today in the New York Times that US officials have criticized our operational actions against the Iranian nuclear program,” opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu told a Likud faction meeting. Israel has acted against Iraq and Syria, preventing both of these countries from acquiring nuclear weapons. This is how we acted against Iran, preventing it from acquiring an arsenal of nuclear weapons aimed at destroying us. We acted both on the operational level and on the political level. “

“Unfortunately, this is not what is happening today,” the former prime minister continued. Of Lapid to the US for ‘no surprises’ policy. This policy binds the hands of Israel. We see that the Americans oppose these actions, and then there are no operations. When there are no surprises, there are no promotions – and there is nothing. “

Netanyahu added that “Hamas must pay a heavy price for this heinous attack in the heart of Jerusalem. In the face of terrorism, a hard and strong hand must be shown. Unfortunately, we do not see this hard hand against terrorism, as we do not see it in the fight against Iran. I demand evil.” From explicitly condemning, in Hebrew and Arabic, the murder attack in Jerusalem. I demand of Bennett to demand this of them. After all, they are his senior partners – Mansour the boss. “

At the same time, Defense Minister Bnei Gantz responded at the Blue and White faction meeting to the espionage affair at his home. “I was surprised to find out that a worker at my house is making a move that has the purpose of passing information to the Iranians or to any other factor. I will also draw conclusions on a personal level. I would like to commend the GSS for coming up with the matter. Professional work was done, “Ganz said.

“In light of the two attacks yesterday, we have intensified the vigilance of the forces, and we will continue to act to eradicate terrorism in the deepest sense,” the defense minister added. Israel and Judea and Samaria. This attempt is thwarted and fails. “We will not allow Hamas to turn Judea and Samaria into Gaza. We will act with all the means at our disposal, and we will not allow it to set foot inside Israel and in East Jerusalem.”

Defense Minister Ganz, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

With the opening of the new Tikva faction meeting, Justice Minister Gideon Saar announced that he would present today on behalf of the government the bill limiting the prime minister’s tenure. A huge majority of Israeli citizens support this law. “The law protects democracy and the state,” Saar said. “There are those who believe that what belongs to you – the citizens of Israel – is actually theirs. And what is theirs by virtue of the ruling class – is not yours. This is a double mistake. Instead of an indefinite tenure – we bring a balanced and better arrangement of tenure restrictions. ”

Saar added that “the extreme things we heard from one of the Likud faction members this week are just a symptom of a widespread phenomenon that is the result of a long rule, which is disgusting and loses all restraint. Restricting office What we are seeing is the result of a loss of spirit following the change of government. “

Minister of Justice Gideon Saar, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Last week, MK Amsalem had an open Twitter conversation with an audience of hundreds of listeners, in which he attacked the State Attorney’s Office and stated that he would not let left-wing parties enter the Knesset. In addition, Amsalem was quoted in Ulpan Shishi and The Marker as saying “The leftists should be put in the pens,” a quote that turned out to be incorrect. Following this, Amsalem tweeted today that he intends to file a lawsuit in the matter.

In any case, Amsalem’s remarks re-flooded the call to establish the Ethics Conference, which is not being set up due to opposition from Likud and Shas representatives. Corona virus and preparations for vaccinating children.

As stated, the coalition is preparing to pass the law limiting the term of office of the prime minister. Last night, cabinet ministers unanimously approved Justice Minister Saar’s bill. The next step in the process of promoting the law is to bring it to the Knesset for the first time as soon as possible. According to the bill, a Knesset member elected prime minister will be able to serve for up to eight years in total, and when that period ends, the government headed by him will be considered to have resigned – and that Knesset member will not be able to run again.

Foreign Minister Lapid at the faction meeting, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Foreign Minister and Chairman Yesh Atid Yair Lapid said at the faction meeting that this is indeed a personal law, but not against former Prime Minister Netanyahu. The government is after him. “

Against the backdrop of the storm surrounding MK Amsalem’s remarks, Lapid said that “in no parliamentary democracy is there a former minister who says he will put people in pens, will not let the opposition enter the Knesset and run over anyone who thinks otherwise of him. We will not run over anyone. We will only act in accordance with the law. We will treat the judiciary with respect, but we are here to change broken and destructive standards. “

Later, Lapid sent condolences to the family and fiancée of the late Eliyahu Kay, who was killed yesterday in the terrorist attack in the Old City of Jerusalem, wishing recovery to the wounded and strengthening the security forces.


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