The Pravkomissiya has developed measures against the radicalization of youth

by time news

In Russia, the problem of “involving young people in illegal activities”, including in uncoordinated actions, remains urgent, according to the Crime Prevention Commission chaired by Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev. The law committee proposed to take a number of measures, including limiting the demonstration in the media of “examples of an immoral lifestyle”, as well as training teachers and students in the event of an attack on educational institutions, Izvestia reports.

According to the commission, more than 7 thousand people aged 18 to 27 were among the participants in uncoordinated events in January-February 2021. Most of them, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, did not work or study. The Pravkomiss believes that the propensity for destructive behavior in young people is formed “from the outside”, and among young people is spreading “a culture of demonstrative manifestations negatively characterized by society.” What manifestations are in question is unknown.

The Pravkomiss proposes a set of measures, including:

  • Ministry of Digital Industry and Roskomnadzor – to work out the introduction of “significant restrictions” on “obsessive media coverage of facts of illegal behavior, demonstration of examples of immoral lifestyle”, as well as showing scenes of violence on TV;
  • organize practical training for teachers and students in the event of an attack on educational institutions;
  • Ministry of Education – to work out the issue of creating by the end of 2022 educational and methodological centers for military-patriotic education of youth “Avangard” in cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people;
  • Ministry of Education – to develop an approach to the development of youth self-government bodies in Russia;
  • Ministry of Education and Science and Rosmolodezh – to consider the development of the state program “Youth of Russia”, “aimed at attracting young citizens and their associations to participate in the management of state affairs and its development.”

The ministry, commenting on these proposals, told Izvestia that “the issue is being worked out.” Other departments have not yet commented on the proposals of the legal commission.

Recently, cases of shooting in educational institutions have become more frequent in Russia. On September 20, the shooting took place in the Perm State University, six people were killed, 47 were injured. On May 11, nine people, including seven children, were killed in the shooting in the Kazan gymnasium. After these tragedies, the Tatarstan authorities submitted to the State Duma a bill criminalizing “incitement to commit violence” against others or oneself. It was also proposed to tighten the rules for the circulation of weapons. The Ministry of Education believes that attacks on schools should be equated with terrorist attacks.

Read about the technology to prevent attacks in schools in the material of “Kommersant” “Shooting to the side”.


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