Embarking on a new journey: Eden Pines is leaving

by time news

the model Eden Pines As I recall, she broke up with the businessman about three months ago Ilan concludes After a stable relationship of two years that includes living together. Moments after the breakup, Pines moved out of their shared apartment and rented a temporary apartment until she found a permanent apartment that suited her needs.

Eden Pines, Ilan Masika (Photo: Instagram screenshot)

Since then she managed to crack an unspecified relationship with the famous footballer Neymarto meet the ex Raphael generation During a vacation abroad, conquer the runways of the coveted fashion shows and model the fashion clothes of Kourtney Kardashian And as a reminder, spend a hot date with Simon Sosina The actor and star of the movie 365. Except that very soon you’ll be packing boxes again and moving to a new roof.

The successful model signed a lease for a luxurious apartment in the Azrieli Town luxury towers in Tel Aviv and is expected very soon to pack up her belongings, leave the temporary apartment and move to her new and permanent place of residence, where she will live alone.

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