The maximum number of electrons a sublevel can hold in a sublevel

by time news

The maximum number that the sub-level can accommodate in the secondary level of electrons, the sub-level in the secondary level of the atom can accommodate a certain number of electrons, and the atom is the basic building block of matter, which can be defined as anything that occupies space, and through which the main and sub-levels of energy are absorbed And their absorption, the capacity of the electrons will be determined.

Definition of energy levels and atomic model

The concept of energy levels is one of the parts of the atomic model that depends on the mathematical analysis of the atomic spectra, and each electron in the atom has a specific energy level based on its relationship to the positive nucleus and other negative electrons. The energy of the level increases with the distance from the nucleus and decreases as the electrons approach each other and the nucleus. It is noticeable It is difficult to remove an electron from the lower energy levels and the initial energy level, it extends to a number of electrons up to (2n2), so n represents the number of the level, for example the first level contains two electrons (2 * (1) 2) and the second level contains eight electrons (2 * (2) ) 2) and so on, the first principal orbital contains a sub-level called (levels), the next principal energy level contains (2s 3p), the third principal energy level (1s 3p 5d), and the fourth contains And higher level contains (1s 3p 5d 7f).

The maximum number of electrons a sublevel can hold in a sublevel

The atom in the material contains a number of orbitals, each of which accommodates a certain number of electrons, and each orbit is divided into sub-levels of energy so that it also accommodates a certain number of electrons, that this level is filled with the maximum number of electrons, which is only two electrons, then the second sub-level, It is the (p) level and can accommodate only six electrons, then the (d) sublevel, which can accommodate ten electrons, then the (f) sublevel, which has a maximum capacity of fourteen electrons, the correct answer to the above question is

  • Only two electrons.

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