“For politics we are invisible, we need more resources and new hires” – time.news

by time news
from Chiara Daina

Spot of the national federation (Fnomceo). Italy is in third last place in Western Europe for the level of salaries and there is the escape from hospitals

Doctors feel abandoned by politics and ask for more resources for the National Health Service. The appeal contained in a spot from the National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists (Fnomceo), released on 6 December on the social channels of the institution, orders and trade unions and subsequently in cinemas. In the video, a doctor, dressed in overalls and anti-Covid devices, gradually disappears as he undresses, leaving his clothes on the ground. A scene that is a metaphor for the invisibility in which, for Fnomceo, the doctors fell.

Social recognition

For policy makers we have become invisible he declares Philip Rings, president of the Federation -. The striking fact that despite the fact that the National Health Fund has grown like never before, going from 114 billion in 2019 to 128 billion for 2023, not even a euro has been invested for increase the salaries of doctors and for the ethical and social recognition of their role. The corporate model of healthcare, which puts budget objectives first and not health objectives, has debased the professionforcing the doctor to make visits in the shortest possible time ea work under stressful conditions due to staff shortages.

Escape from hospitals

In a study, the single union of Italian outpatient medicine and healthcare professionals (Sumai Assoprof) reports that Italy ranks third from last among Western European countries for doctors’ earnings ($61,130 gross annually), ahead of Portugal (48,225) and Greece (44,610). Added to the unattractiveness of salaries is the phenomenon of escape from hospitals denounced by the Association of executive doctors (Anaao), according to which from about 2019 to 2021 8 thousand white coats they have voluntarily resigned from hospital structures due to worsening working conditions, greater availability, the increase in weekend and night shifts, and not always adequate remuneration. All factors that negatively affect the quality of working and private life, he stresses Charles Palermopresident of Anaao.

Family doctors

It is also increasingly difficult to replace family doctors. The Interregional Structure of the affiliated health professionals registers a drop of more than 3,600 general practitioners from 2016 to 2021 (44,436 to 40,769). Due to the retirements and renunciations of young doctors, who after a few months from the beginning of the activity, overloaded with patients and administrative burdens, give up and in some cases go to work for private cooperatives – he explains Sylvester ScottiNational Secretary General of the Italian Federation of General Practitioners —. Bureaucratic mechanisms need to be simplified for the management of ordinary activities, from treatment plans to the compilation of certificates. And one in three doctors today would like to retire immediately, a survey by the Piepoli Institute found.

Lack of staff

Citizens know that, when needed, a doctor can save your life reads the spot, which then invites you to support the National Health Service with more resources, more personnel, to ensure everyone’s health. One of the problems that grips health the lack of medical and nursing staff, especially in emergency rooms. Even if, as the Ministry of Health recalls al Courier, it is currently not possible to make an exact estimate of staff shortages. In a forthcoming document, the Ministry is defining the standard criteria for calculating the personnel requirements in the regional health facilities. The National Agency for Regional Health Services, in an October document, citing OECD data, reports that in Italy in 2020 there were 4 doctors per thousand inhabitants against a European average of 3.8. Conversely, the rate of nurses is lower: 6.2 per thousand inhabitants against the 8.8 of the European average.

Training grants

Today the problem of the training funnel – recalls Palermo – has been overcome thanks to an increase in training scholarshipswhich went from 8,900 for 2018-2019 to 17,400 for 2021-2022 and 14,700 for 2022-2023. But there is no guarantee that seats will be filled announced for the disciplines most subject to burnoutsuch as emergency and urgency medicine, for which economic incentives would be needed.

December 6, 2022 (change December 6, 2022 | 18:10)

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