The Argentine president expresses his solidarity with Cristina Fernández: “Today an innocent person has been sentenced”

by time news

The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, has expressed solidarity with his Vice President Cristina Fernández Kirchner, after the ruling of an Argentine court that sentenced him on Tuesday to six years in prison and perpetual disqualification from holding public office for the ‘Road case’.

“Today, in Argentina, an innocent person has been sentenced. Someone whom the powers that be tried to stigmatize through the media and persecuted through complacent judges whom they ride around in private planes and luxury mansions on weekends. “, has criticized the Argentine president.

Thus, the country’s leader, who has shown his “solidarity with Cristina Fernández knowing that she is the victim of absolutely unfair persecution”, has denounced that the conviction “is the result of a trial in which the minimum forms of due process”, a process in which “the principle of not judging the same fact twice was violated”.

In this sense, Alberto Fernández has argued that, in this case, “politics has gotten into the courts.” With this, “justice goes out the window”, he has lashed out, through a series of messages posted on his Twitter account.

In addition, the president has urged the population to side with Kirchner “because of his innocence.” “All good men and women who love democracy and the rule of law must stand by him.”

Fernández had been accused of participating in a plot to defraud the State through the concession of public works in the province of Santa Cruz during her tenure as president (2007-2015) and that of the former president and her deceased husband, Néstor Kirchner (2003 -2007).

Fernández immediately reacted to the sentence, denouncing being the victim of a “parallel state” and “a judicial mafia” and remarked that when she was president of Argentina she had neither “management of the laws that are approved” in the Legislative nor ” nor does it manage the budget.

In his extensive response, Fernández has indicated that “the real sentence is not prison”, but “perpetual disqualification from holding public office” and has announced that he will not stand for the 2023 elections. “They condemn a model of economic development and recognition of the rights of the people”, he said.

Europa Press

Conocé The Trust Project

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