the price of the Navigo pass finally set at 84.10 euros in 2023

by time news

The monthly subscription to Ile-de-France transport increased by 11.8%, announces Île-de-France Mobilités.

After weeks of negotiations, Île-de-France Mobilités announces an increase from 75.20 euros to 84.10 euros in 2023 for the monthly subscription of its Navigo pass. Valérie Pécresse also asks public and private employers in Île-de-France who can to increase their share of employer reimbursement from 50% to 75% of their employees’ Navigo Pass. The region will vote for this support at 75% in its budget next week. Per year, the price of the ImaginR pass, intended for the youngest, will increase from 342 to 365 euros, an increase of 6.7%. As for the single metro ticket, it will change from 1.90 to 2.10 euros.

SEE ALSO – Increase in the price of the Navigo pass: “There will be state support”, promises Clément Beaune

While the conflict between the Ile-de-France region and the State over the latter’s budget deficit had been going on, in the press for about ten days, Transport Minister Clément Beaune had announced shortly before in The Parisian, a gesture for the 2023 annual budget of Île-de-France Mobilités. “We are going to grant significant exceptional aid for 2023 to communities that organize transport. This will represent 300 million euros in aid, including 200 million for Île-de-France Mobilités”, indicates the member of the government, whose “The government’s only compass is the situation of users.” Faced with a hole of 450 million for next year, Clément Beaune defends a “very powerful and exceptional gesture”emanation from “the money of all the French“. Objective : “Protect users and prevent us from having an exploding Navigo pass.”

A budget of 100 million euros will also be allocated to public transport in the provinces. The measure will be adopted by amendment to the 2023 finance bill currently being examined in Parliament. For several weeks, Valérie Pécresse has been sounding the alarm on the hole of 450 million to complete the 2023 operating budget of Île-de-France Mobilités, which must be adopted this Wednesday and cannot be in deficit, threatening to increase 15 euros for the Navigo pass.

If the minister does not hesitate to question the good management of Valérie Pécresse at the head of his region, he also defends the government’s policy: “Responsibility means that when you exercise a skill, you must fully assume it. I remind you that transport in Île-de-France is the region and the Île-de-France mobilities organization, both chaired by Valérie Pécresse, who are responsible for it. And to add therefore that it is not a question of“a question of arm wrestling, but of responsibility.»

The region does not intend to provide an additional budget extension – for example by cutting other expenses – which would have further limited the increase in the price of the Navigo pass. And this, as a minister reminds us, while“a 1% reduction in operating expenses would save 100 million euros. »

SEE ALSO – Passe Navigo: Should the reduction for irregular migrants be abolished?

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