News 24 | Health: 4 diseases abound during the rainy season..and a doctor should be consulted in this case

by time news

The Ministry of Health has warned of some diseases that may occur during the rainy season and when approaching places where the resulting water is collected.

The Ministry stated that the diseases that may occur during the disease season include colds and upper respiratory infections, and approaching water gathering places causes infectious diseases transmitted by disease vectors such as dengue fever and malaria.

She pointed out that gastroenteritis is also one of the diseases caused by approaching water pools and occurs due to water-borne infectious diseases such as intestinal bacteria, calling for the need to replace the body with fluids such as rehydration solution.

She noted the need to consult a doctor when symptoms such as high temperature, excessive sweating, extreme thirst, decreased urination, fatigue, dizziness, dark urine, vomiting and diarrhea appear.


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