The transfusion of “vaccinated” blood rejected, a Swiss organization wants to create banks of “non-vaccinated blood” against Covid

by time news

The rejection of the anti-Covid vaccine takes a completely different form. “Horrified” by blood containing an anti-Covid vaccine, George Della Dietra, a Swiss naturopath, founded Safe Blood Donation (Don de sang sain, Editor’s note), a non-profit organization, whose objective is to connect applicants and unvaccinated blood donors and, in the long term, constitute a blood bank from donations from unvaccinated people. In New Zealand, parents refused to allow their sick child to receive “vaccinated blood” and partially lost custody of it on Wednesday December 7.

George Della Dietra expressed in a statement his “horror” after studying blood that had received a Covid vaccine. “I’ve never seen blood like this. That was, to be honest, the main reason I started all of this, because when I saw this I was so horrified”, did he declare. He said he was convinced that “This whole thing about vaccination” is about “controlling people”. He thus believes that anyone who has not been vaccinated has the right to receive blood that does not contain mRNA technology.

By creating Safe Blood Donation, this naturopath thus explains his desire to be “a platform for people who want free blood donor choice…Whether they think there is a real conspiracy theory, the New World Order is happening, or they say they just don’t want that blood for some reason”did he declare.

“Putting pressure on the authorities”

The task looks daunting. To refer to New York Times, approximately 71.1% of the world’s population has already received a dose of a vaccine against Covid-19. In the United States, a September 2021 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association claims that 83.3% of blood donations had combined antibodies due to vaccination. “I get hundreds of emails asking me, ‘Do you have any blood, because I have to have surgery in three weeks’”, said Della Dietra.

In addition to the creation of “non-vaccinated” blood banks, SafeBlood Donation, which has members in at least 16 countries, intends “pressing hospitals and health authorities around the world to allow ‘directed donations’ of blood” containing no traces of the vaccine, explains its founder. The members of this organization are therefore asking the authorities to modify their policies. “As soon as we have enough medical partners (for blood application, collection and processing), we will start with mediation”says its founder.

The medical authorities do not authorize these “directed donations”. The health authorities of several countries, such as the United States or Canada affirm that there is “no risk in receiving blood from people who have been vaccinated”. In addition to this, the reception of blood donations in the transfusion centers is not organized according to the vaccination status of the donors.

New Zealand couple lose custody of their child

Cases of unvaccinated people requesting blood donation from unvaccinated people have been increasingly heard since last summer. In New Zealand, a couple lost custody of their four-month-old son on Wednesday (December 7th) because of their refusal to allow him to receive blood from people vaccinated before a heart operation.

The four-month-old infant has pulmonary valve stenosis and surgery has been delayed. Their request to transfuse their child with “non-vaccinated” blood was rejected because hospitals in New Zealand do not separate donated blood according to the donors’ vaccination status.

The parents, accused of “conspiracy” by the lawyer for the opposing party, temporarily lost custody of their child, the authorities having asked the courts to give them partial custody of the baby. The couple will retain authority over their child with the exception of medical matters.

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