Exciting: the ultra-Orthodox couple hug a foursome and convey a message

by time news

After 14 years of missions abroad, Rabbi Boaz and Freddie Klein got to hug a quartet of children at once and the happy father conveys a message to those who are still struggling and did not receive the fruit of the womb:It’s not easy to be exposed, but we want to give strength to other parents who are in this situation, and also publicize our private miracle.”

Chabad emissaries in Bariloche in Argentina Rabbi Boaz Klein and his wife Pradel Shafra (Freddy) happily embraced a quartet of children two boys and two girls here in Israel after 14 years of waiting for the fruit of the womb.

Journalist and lecturer Sion Rahab Meir told on her Instagram account about the photo that the happy father sent me and the message he wanted to convey to the people of Israel:

Rabbi Boaz Klein sent me this picture, of two hands wearing four birth bracelets, and it took me a few seconds to understand. Yes, a quartet was born to Boaz and Freddie, Chabad emissaries in Bariloche, Argentina (“the southernmost Jewish point in the world”). Here are some things that Rabbi Boaz wanted to say:

From Sivan Rahav Meir’s Instagram.

“In this week’s parsha, Jacob our father says, ‘I am the least of all the graces.’

We have been messengers for 14 years, we have met thousands of travelers and tourists, and we have never hidden the difficulties of fertility. After all, three of the four mothers of the people of Israel were barren – Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel. It accompanies the entire book of Genesis that we are reading now. It is not easy to be exposed, but we want to give strength to other parents who are in this situation, and also publicize our private miracle.

So it is important to us that everyone knows that even an only child is a huge miracle, not just four. It is important for us to thank the entire medical staff of ‘Shiva Tel Hashomer’. And it is important for us to thank family and friends. You have no idea how much the encouragement and good advice help couples along the way.

We felt the blessing of the Rebbe of Lubbitch accompanying us throughout the journey. The Rebbe said to always speak in a positive way. That’s why when Freddy was hospitalized with a high-risk pregnancy, we immediately called it a ‘high-risk pregnancy’. My amazing wife is on a mission even when she is in the maternity ward at Shiva. It’s as if she transferred the Chabad house in Reloche to the ward, and here she encourages and strengthens everyone. Her faith is contagious, and here you need a lot of faith.

The four children were born one after the other, by caesarean section. I felt like a partner of the Holy One, blessed be He, four times in a row. The two daughters are named Hanna-Liva and Rebekah-Malka, the son who has now entered into the covenant is called Yosef-Yitzchak, and the fourth son still needs to grow up a bit before he can enter into the covenant of Abraham our father, and receive a name.

My little one.”

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