What are these “movable” and battery-operated radars?

by time news

The panels are gradually being installed and should soon multiply on the side of French roads. As for the fixed radars, they announce that a speed control is carried out by an automatic device on the axis. The major difference? The uncertainty of their exact location. These “movable” radars had already been installed on certain accident-prone axes in France. It would seem that they are to be developed to secure the routes deemed the most dangerous. In Ille-et-Vilaine, the prefecture has just announced the creation of three new routes on its territory, in addition to the two axes already equipped in 2017. Brittany will not be the only region concerned.

Installed on the side of the road, the autonomous devices operate on batteries. They will be regularly moved along the route “so that the position of the control is variable”, specifies the prefecture. Very efficient, they work with a particularly precise scanning laser system. Unlike the mobile radar, they are announced by a panel. The goal? “Make the user slow down, not only when approaching the radar, but all along the axis”, adds the prefect Emmanuel Berthier. The battery lasts about a week, the devices will be regularly moved.

Accelerated deployment in the coming years

Called “protected routes”, these three sections (see box) are among the most accident-prone in Ille-et-Vilaine. In the department, speed is the leading cause of road deaths.

Previously assimilated to “construction site” radars where their aim was to slow down motorists in work zones, these mobile devices should multiply on the side of our roads. While France had around 250, it could buy 150 more by the end of 2022. According to the L’Argus site, the government plans to install 2,000 more in the coming years. come.

The routes concerned in Ille-et-Vilaine

Three axes will be covered by these “movable” radars in Ille-et-Vilaine. They will be installed on the D82 between Combourg and Saint-Grégoire, on the D794 between Sens-de-Bretagne and Vitré and on the D777 between Janzé and La Gacilly (Morbihan). Two routes around Fougères were already covered by this system.

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