Covid-19. Our 4 tips for finding an internship in a company

by time news

Every year, the same requests come up at the same time. “This is the expected peak of internships which begin in April,” slips a source from the Ministry of Labor. But this year, as in 2020, students on a work-study program or at the end of their studies have all the more difficulty finding a company willing to welcome them than at the time of the Covid, between teleworking teams and a drop in activity, they feel less able to integrate young people.

The obligatory duration of the reduced internship.

To deal with this situation, the government has reduced, as in 2020, the compulsory duration of the internship allowing to validate the exams to 5 weeks in CAP (compared to 12 to 14 weeks previously) and to 10 weeks for the bac pro (compared to 12 to 28 weeks). The decree was also published on Tuesday, February 16.

While the opportunities are drying up in companies, how to put the best chance on your side to find an internship?

1/ Adapt your CV to teleworking.

“If the activity of the company you are targeting is conducive to teleworking, do not hesitate to indicate in your CV that you are autonomous and master certain computer tools used in the context of teleworking”, advises Valérie Deflandre, advisor to orientation at the CIDJ. Otherwise, it is anyway necessary to adapt your CV to the targeted company. “Searching for an internship is like looking for a job. You can very well have a different resume for each offer,” she continues.

> Our tips for writing your CV – CV examples

2/ Broaden your search.

Are you sending out emails in spades and getting no response? Do not despair. “If you can’t find it directly in your area, it’s a good idea to consider a plan B in an adjoining sector”, assures the adviser. Clearly, do not hesitate to broaden your search.

> Looking for a work-study contract: have you considered SMEs?

3/ Think about unsolicited applications.

It may be useful, for example, to send unsolicited applications by referring to the emails you will find on the websites of the companies you wish to join. Currently, some companies, disorganized, need trainees but do not take the step of recruiting.

> Advice for applying for an internship (spontaneous application)

4/ Don’t forget the network!

There is also the LinkedIn site, where former classmates or friends of your parents may be. In any job search or internship, the network is decisive. “Don’t neglect what is called the hidden market either, warns Valérie Deflandre. By word of mouth, you sometimes find interesting opportunities. »

> How to find a job/contract through social networks

Par Berangere Lepetit et Thomas Poupeau

See also:

> Latest internship and work-study offers

> “I was sent home”: the hassle of students to find an internship

> With Covid-19, companies are accepting interns bit by bit

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