A snake came out alive in the thigh of the deceased during post-mortem examination.

by time news
images 73 - Dhinasari Tamil

A snake that came out alive in the thigh of the deceased during the post-mortem has created a lot of excitement.

A live snake came out of a deceased person’s thigh during an autopsy in the United States. A 31-year-old woman named Jessica Logan near New York is working as an autopsy worker at a hospital in the United States.

Jessica has been in this role at the hospital for 9 years. In this case, Jessica shared a horror experience that happened to her. Once, while performing an autopsy on the dead body, he saw a live snake coming out of the body.

Seeing the snake emerge from the man’s thigh, Jessica screamed and ran away. He said that after catching the snake and removing it, he went near the body to resume his work. The body was found rotting near a stream. It is suspected that the snake may have entered the body. Talking about her experience, Jessica said, “These types of incidents can happen depending on where and in what condition the bodies of the dead are found. If the bodies are kept in cool, dry places, insects and dangerous creatures will not approach the corpses.

But in warm, humid places, insects are more likely to be present in the body.” said. Jessica, who wanted to become a doctor, had to stop her studies midway due to her family’s financial situation. As a result, Jessica is working as a coroner.

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