Streptococcal A infections, should we be worried?

by time news

What are streptococci A?

They are not new, quite the contrary. Streptococci A are a class of bacteria well known in the medical community. These can cause various infections such as “angina, scarlet fever (at the origin of high fevers, Editor’s note) or erysipelas, which infects the skin and soft tissues”, explains Benjamin Rossi, infectious disease specialist at the Robert-Ballanger hospital center in Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis). If they concern young and old, “These bacteria more often affect children”, specifies Jean-Paul Stahl, specialist in infectious and tropical diseases at the Grenoble University Hospital (Isère).

These infections, treated with antibiotic treatments, are mostly mild. “They are usually treated early, before they are invasive», continues Benjamin Rossi. But serious forms do exist. For several weeks, they have even experienced an unusual increase among the youngest in France, alerted the health authorities on Tuesday, December 6. Cases particularly observed in the Occitanie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Nouvelle-Aquitaine regions, according to the Directorate General of Health (DGS).

Why is there an increase in infections in France?

The increase in these cases worries the medical profession. For good reason: in recent days, this has led to the hospitalizations in intensive care of at least eight children without any particular risk factor, “among whom two died”, said the DGS in a message to caregivers. Three adult cases have also been identified, including one fatal. A situation similar to that observed in the United Kingdom, where six child deaths have been attributed to infection with streptococci A.

The causes of this resurgence remain to be determined. For the health authorities, there is little risk that it is due to the appearance of a more virulent bacterial strain. The cases observed in France have not “no connection between them and seem provoked by “different strains”, indeed underlines the DGS. Professionals remain cautious. The rise is “perhaps linked to the problem of access to antibiotics for children”, guess Benjamin Rossi. For several weeks now, a shortage of amoxicillin, the main antibiotic used in children, has affected France, sometimes delaying their treatment.

How to avoid these infections?

Streptococci A are present almost everywhere. They are transmitted by respiratory droplets or by direct contact. «You can be a carrier without having any symptoms. recalls Jean-Paul Stahl. The only solution to avoid transmissions, respect «simple rules of hygiene, notes the infectiologist. Public Health France thus recommends washing your hands or wearing a mask for people with respiratory infections.

While pediatric services are already undermined by a major bronchiolitis epidemic, this increase in cases of streptococcal A infections should not be overlooked. However, professionals want to be reassuring. «Parents shouldn’t worry.” assures Fabienne Kochert. An opinion shared by Jean-Paul Stahl, for whom this increase in cases is only “ punctual ” et “fairly common ».

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