Hooded activists, armed with iron bars, disrupted the conference of two LFI deputies

by time news

This Wednesday evening, the B400 amphitheater was packed. Around 400 students came to take part in a debate organized on the theme “What future for young people and the university? at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne. Two LFI deputies recently brought to the forefront of the media scene were invited to discuss with the students: Louis Boyard taken to task on the set of Cyril Hanouna and Carlos Martens Bilongo, interrupted at the National Assembly by the Girondin deputy of the RN Grégoire de Fournas.

About thirty hooded individuals armed with iron bars tumbled in to try to disrupt the meeting, by launching racist slogans, but they were kept outside the amphitheater thanks to the service of order put in place by LFI. Four members of this security service were slightly injured.

A play, also victims of far-right protesters

In a press release, the University of Bordeaux Montaigne explains that after this episode, this same group tried to intimidate the organizers and spectators of a play which was held in a nearby place, still on the university site. “The police intervened to disperse the agitators. The conference and the show were nevertheless able to take place and end at the scheduled time,” the statement concluded. The two deputies were exfiltrated without difficulty, under police surveillance.

They challenged Gérald Darmanin on Twitter, asking him to dissolve far-right groups.

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