Frontex investigates Bulgarian police accused of caging refugees

by time news

The European Border Guard Agency (Frontex) announced on Thursday, December 8, that it would examine information according to which Bulgarian police officers had locked migrants in a cage. Facts for which the UN has expressed its ” concern “.

A survey, carried out The worldthe collective of journalists Lighthouse Reports and several European media, reveals that refugees have been locked in a makeshift cage on the Bulgarian border with Turkey ” under the watch “ from Frontex agents.

“Frontex treats any reports of alleged violations of fundamental rights seriously”the Warsaw-based agency told Agence France-Presse (AFP). “The information you provided to us has been forwarded to the Frontex Fundamental Rights Office who will examine the allegations”Frontex added in its email.

Cage made of iron bars and littered with trash

On five occasions, between October 15 and November 25, the partners of the Monde filmed the cage, visible from the street, made of iron bars and strewn with rubbish. Each time, a dozen or so men were detained there. the Monde interviewed four men – Syrians and Afghans – who explain “being locked up following their attempt to enter Bulgaria”. Also according to the investigation, video footage shows a Frontex car visible near the cage, in the Bulgarian town of Sredets.

The European agency told AFP that since last year, its rights office had registered ten « incidents graves » which allegedly occurred on the Bulgarian-Turkish border. “One refers to the Sredets area but is not at all related to the conditions at the border guard post”emphasizes Frontex.

Also read the survey: Article reserved for our subscribers Frontex, the European border guard agency, made up illegal returns of migrants in the Aegean Sea

The United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, for its part told AFP that its representatives had not seen the images in question and could not comment on them, but that they were “deeply concerned about these allegations”.

“We urge relevant states to investigate all allegations of violations and abuses”said the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. “UNHCR stands ready to support States and the European Commission in setting up independent monitoring mechanisms for the follow-up and investigation of such incidents”he pointed out.

The World with AFP

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