good news!! Thai people’s COVID vaccine. Accelerate the development of the 3rd generation vaccine against all strains of mutant COVID

by time news

Latest good news!! The new generation of Thai people’s skilled COVID vaccines The development of a third-generation vaccine is being developed to deal with all mutations of the coronavirus.

Dr. Chalermchai Bunyaleephan, Vice Chairman of the Public Health Commission, Senate Post blockdit Hundred eight thousand and nineMor Chalermchai On the progress of the production of 3rd generation vaccines in Thailand to cope with all strains of the mutated COVID virus, stating that

From the situation of the mutation of the corona virus causing COVID disease Currently, Omicron virus has been the main strain for a full year. Opportunities for vaccine research When there will be time to develop a new model to cope immediately

However, although the Omicron virus stands as the main strain, But it has mutated into many subspecies, more than 500 subspecies already.

Making the second generation vaccine (Second Generation) or two strains cannot be developed to deal with COVID in a timely manner

For example, the development of second-generation vaccines has been completed in the United States by Pfizer and Moderna.

Namely, the bi-strain vaccine consists of the Wuhan virus strain and the Omicron substrain BA.5.

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But now the main strain in the US has become BQ.1 and two such vaccine strains. if used in Thailand Our main strain has also been changed from BA.5 to BA.2.75.

for that reason Makes the effectiveness of the second generation vaccine (VE: Vaccine Effectiveness) more effective than the first generation. Or the original version, one type, not many species

At the moment, there are at least 4 Thai COVID vaccine development teams that are accelerating research studies.

one of them is The research team of phytofarm leaves which has faculty members of the Faculty of Pharmacy Chulalongkorn University is the principal researcher. research by developing a protein-based vaccine technology using tobacco as a vaccine amplification

From talking directly with researchers, it was found that Researchers are solving the problem. The efficacy of vaccines has decreased in prevention. due to the virus mutation problem

It is developing a vaccine that will deal with all strains of the coronavirus. The author will sort the history of vaccine research by the Phytofarm leaves team as follows.

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1. First Generation Vaccine or the first generation, version 1.1, one species Developed using the Wuhan virus strain. And using the original stimulant (Adjuvant) has tried to find the right size, found that 25 or 50 micrograms are effective. Phase one human trials completed. found to be safe Moderate immunity

2. The first generation vaccine, version 1.2, is still the Wuhan strain of the virus. But has adjusted the new stimulus to be better than before Trial in phase one Since March 2022, the immunity level has been higher than the 1.1 vaccine using the conventional booster. will be able to conclude the results sooner rather than later

3. Second Generation Vaccine or two strains of vaccine It was developed by combining the Wuhan virus with Omicron. It is the same formulation as the Pfizer and Moderna dual-strain vaccines.

At present, experiments in both rats and monkeys have been completed. able to continue human trials but may have to delay Because the virus changes very quickly. This makes the two-strain vaccine even belong to the United States itself. It’s not very effective.

4. Third Generation Vaccine Or the 3rd generation vaccine is the development of the Phyto Farm itself. To make the vaccine able to cope with the entire group of coronaviruses (Pancorona virus), it will take some time. It is estimated that this will take at least two years.

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But there is an advantage no matter how the virus mutates The vaccine will be able to support all strains of the virus belonging to the coronavirus family.

This is the latest progress. About research and development of a vaccine against COVID-19 Interesting and worth following and encouraging the Thai research team. whose ability is not inferior to that of foreign researchers

although there are many limitations both research equipment Finding a control group of volunteers who have not been vaccinated and have never been naturally infected with COVID. as well as various regulations that prevents research from being carried out as quickly as all parties would like

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