The Catholic University on the move to Brussels with a lecture-show on the walls of

by time news
from Francesca Basso

The performance by Paolo Colombo and Michele Tranquillini at the theater of the Italian Cultural Institute. Rector Anelli: «We are here to strengthen the European vocation of the university»

BRUSSELS From Milan to Brussels, one lesson-show on the Walls of History. They brought it on stage Paul Columbusfull professor of Political Institutions of theCatholic University of Sacred Heartwhere he teaches Contemporary History, and the illustrator Michael Tranquillini, which he drew live. The performance was staged last December 7 (the university was founded on December 7, 1921) at the theater of the Italian Cultural Institute in Brussels. “We are here because we want to be present among our graduates who are active in EU institutions, to underline and strengthen the European vocation of the university”, he explained the rector Franco Anelli, recalling «the contribution that our university, like all Italian universities, has given to the first cultural construction of the very idea of ​​Europe and then, from an institutional point of view, to the formation of a generation of young people who feel European and think the their future on a continental scale.

The show «Stories of Divided Humanity: from the Great Wall of China to Banksy» it was organized by Cattolica in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Belgium and the Italian Cultural Institute. It took place in the days in which Italy and Brussels have returned to talk of immigration, with tensions between the Member States that return a Union divided on this issue, unable for years to advance towards shared solutions. «Professor Paolo Colombo’s lesson-performance is an in-depth reflection, scientifically solid but also capable of touch the strings of emotion – continues the rector Anelli -. An original way of making culture with methods that are different from the canonical criteria of the work of universities».

The format of History telling was conceived by Paolo Colombo, who combined oral narration with music, video, drawings and other artistic forms. «The final goal – explains the University – is s

fgive up the cliché that “history is boring”
, also emotionally involving a wide audience, without ever sacrificing scientific rigour”. Colombo has held many show-lessons in Italian theaters and festivals on various historical events, from John Kennedy and American myths to the destruction of Warsaw in 1944, from Ceausescu’s Romania to the Moro kidnapping and the years of terrorism in Italy. «For a brief moment in our history, at the end of the 1900s, we believed in a future where there would no longer be walls – recalled Rings -. But things turned out differently.”

December 9, 2022 (change December 9, 2022 | 00:41)

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