Europe launches its underwater hydrogen highway

by time news
The H2Med pipeline is part of the project to accelerate the decarbonization of European industry (here, the Total-Elf-BP-Naphta Chimie petrochemical complex in Fos-sur-Mer, near Marseille). ERIC FEFERBERG/AFP

France, Spain and Portugal are supporting an unprecedented underwater tube project that will serve Marseille.

The Élysée called, again on Thursday, the BarMar project, for Barcelona-Marseille. In order to be connected with Portugal and Spain, it is now appropriate to speak of H2Med. Meeting this Friday in Alicante in Spain as part of the ninth summit of the nine southern countries of the European Union, Emmanuel Macron and the heads of the Spanish and Portuguese governments, Pedro Sanchez and Antonio Costa, must give political impetus to this project of unprecedented gas pipeline. A tube which, if built, will transport not natural gas but hydrogen, from Barcelona to Fos-sur-Mer, near Marseille. The work, underwater, would be a world first.

This “hydroduct”, as they say at the Ministry of Energy Transition, was announced on October 20 on the sidelines of a European summit. Paris had then obtained from Madrid and Berlin the abandonment of the MidCat gas pipeline project that the two capitals were pushing. Intended to deliver natural gas imported from the United States or Qatar via Spanish terminals to…

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