The booster dose is open to everyone

by time news

There was some confusion surrounding the anti-Covid vaccination, so the Minister of Health set the record straight. “Anyone can get vaccinated” with a booster dose, hammered François Braun Friday on BFMTV / RMC. The “most fragile” are nevertheless highlighted in government communication given their risk of “dying from Covid”. While the number of cases and hospitalizations have been on the rise for several weeks and the government is encouraging the postponement of the mask, vaccination remains the most effective way to avoid serious forms of the disease.

Asked about the refusal of certain pharmacists to vaccinate those under 60, the minister considered that “this is not normal”, “not acceptable”, because “there are already directives saying that vaccination is open to all the world “. He invoked his “responsibility, as Minister of Health and Prevention, to have a stronger message” for people “from the population most at risk” because “these are those who can die” from Covid.

“Now there will be deaths”

Thus, indicated the Minister, “we are going to have, with my colleague Jean-Christophe Combe (Minister of Solidarity), an even stronger message vis-à-vis the directors of Ehpad (…), to say “now, it will be dead”. “But everyone can get vaccinated”, repeated François Braun, thus judging “completely normal” to be vaccinated “if you go to see your elderly parents during the holidays”.

As for the mask, the minister again bet on the incentive, where caregivers, epidemiologists or patient associations are demanding the return of an obligation in closed places. “In the state of the information that I have on an epidemic resumption, I insist on the responsibility of our fellow citizens (…) In confined places, with many people, wearing a mask, it protects you, the people next to you, the healthcare system, under great strain,” he said.

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