Clinical Nutrition Specialist Reveals the Immunity Rocket Juice Mixture and Explains Its Health Benefits • Al Marsad Newspaper

by time news

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Abdullah Al-Mutawa, a clinical nutrition specialist, revealed the mixture of immunity missile juice, which relies on vitamin C found in orange and pineapple juice.

Al-Mutawa said in a video clip that he posted on his account with the “Tik Tok” application: “The ingredients of the mixture include oranges, pineapples and mangoes, the first fruits in the world that reduce the spread of cancer cells in the body.”

And he continued: “Vitamin A, found in carrots, is best for healthy eyesight and regeneration of body cells, nitric oxide.”

He pointed out: “Beetroot pumps the blood in an excellent way inside the body, and ginger reduces inflammation and raises immunity completely and continuously,” explaining that the components of the juice mixture are mixed well and eaten.

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