According to Unni Mukundan, there are gaps in the calculation; Actress Anjali Ameer

by time news

According to Unni Mukundan, there are gaps in the calculation; Actress Anjali Ameer

Actress Anjali Ameer supports actor Bala in the ongoing issues related to Shefiq’s film Shabab. Anjali expressed her support for Balak through a note written on her Facebook page.

In the note, the actor says that it is not correct to say that an actor like Bala was paid Rs 10,000 a day when even a junior artist was getting Rs 3000 to Rs 5000.

“I strongly support Bala, because Unni Mukundan says that an actor like Bala was paid only Rs 10,000 when even a junior artiste was paid Rs 3000 to Rs 5000, and the inaccuracies in the calculation shown in the remuneration given to the rest, Unni Mukundan’s statement is misleading.

Balak might not be able to hold his tongue like Unni. Don’t think of it as his incompetence; Anjali Amir wrote on Facebook.

Bala had made many allegations related to Shefiq’s film Shadhab. The main allegation raised by Bala is that Unni Mukundan did not pay those who worked in the film including himself, and only paid women.

Actor Unni Mukundan had denied all the allegations made by Bala in a press conference held yesterday. Unni also clarified that not only the women but everyone who acted in the film was rewarded.

content highlight: anjali ameer against unnimukundan’s statement

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