Recovery, Brunetta promises “1-1.3 million jobs in the next 5 years”. And presents the portal for recruitment in the public administration

by time news

He evoked “years of fat cows for employment“. And came to promise that in the next few years, to spend the resources of the Recovery fund, the Italian public administration will create over 1 million direct and indirect jobs. To be precise “1-1.3 million”. The minister of the pa Renato Brunetta launched the new National Recruiting Portal, developed with Almaviva and which also includes a partnership with LinkedIn Italy. After inviting Italians to enter their curriculum vitae in the public database, also “to check whether the current location is optimal or not”, he said that between now and 2026 there will be 500 thousand full-term admissions or professional assignments and “at the end of the five-year period the law provides that 40% of these people can be absorbed of the public administration in ordinary form through an insolvency procedure “. In addition there would be, he hinted at, the professionals who will find employment thanks to jobs and contracts linked to European funds.

To tell the truth, the poor success of the South competition does not bode well for the public sector’s ability to attract high-level professionals. But Brunetta argued that now the “digital and simplified” competitions start and finish in less than 100 days, 87 days on average ”- already over 30 thousand positions have been banned with these new procedures – and as for the salaries “An evolutionary process linked to fixed-term contracts will be necessary, perhaps linked to a rewarding of the fixed-term contract”. For the 1000 professionals and experts expected to support local administrations also spoke of wages up to 100 thousand euros per year. “My concern is not that of wages, but of finding specializations on the market”. And since the hiring will be very many “it will also be necessary reopen the flows decree “.

In recent days, Brunetta, responding to the alarm raised byAnci on the cumbersome hiring processes and the risk that local authorities will not be able to spend the resources in time, he announced that the government would rewrite “the rules regarding the hiring potential of municipalities as a function not of generic current expense indicators and personnel costs, but expenditure on qualified personnel linked to the trends that are increasing (investments, personal services) “in order to” correlate hiring needs with objectives that have incremental trends, making rules not dull and flat, but intelligent, according to the needs of the municipalities in this particular historical period “.

Today the minister did not give updates on this but reiterated that “from next year we will have about 100-120 thousand new hires in the ordinary way, with permanent employment contracts, according to specialist qualifications”. So 500-600,000 new hires in the next five years. “This is still a year of recovery, the next will be the boom years ”and“ they will be years of fat cows from the point of view of the demand for jobs by public administrations ”. For the Public Function, the InPa portal aims to provide fast and transparent recruitment and to raise the quality of the professional capital of public administrations, linking demand and supply of work. On the one hand, professionals can enter their CV and search for opportunities, on the other hand public administrations register in the system in order to draw on the pool of over 5.6 million professionals surveyed. I’m over at the moment 95 thousand subscribers to the portal of which 47% women and 53% men. As a first concrete case, there will be the recruitment of 1000 professionals for simplification, again foreseen by the NRP, by the end of the year.

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