Personal training account: why the government wants to make employees pay

by time news

In its draft budget for 2023, the government plans to reform the personal training account, which makes it possible to acquire rights to training throughout working life. Calculated in hours until 2019, these rights are now in euros, which will allow the government to request a financial contribution from the holders of this account.

The amendment explains that it is a question of establishing “a participation of the holder, whatever the amount of rights available on his account, in order to finance a training action, a validation of acquired experience or even a skills assessment. To date, it is the deposit and consignment fund, the CDC, which directly remunerates the training companies. According to her, the cost of training amounted, over the last three years, to seven billion euros. From now on, the main interested parties will therefore have to pay their share.

Job seekers exempt from any participation

The method of employee participation is not yet defined. Either the sum deducted will be proportional to the cost of the training followed, within the limit of a ceiling; or it will come in the form of a fixed price. The text specifies that the holders most in need of training, such as job seekers, will be exempt from any levy. This amendment should be adopted in the coming days, via the procedure of 49.3, the presidential camp failing to have the 2023 budget adopted by vote. It should be noted that Parliament has already adopted a bill aimed at prohibiting commercial canvassing by holders of a CPF, in order to dry up attempts at fraud, which have multiplied in recent months.

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