But in Tahash: the rabbi’s widow passed away

by time news

But in Kiryat Tahesh in Canada: Rabbi Frieda Milka Lavi – Hoyer a.h. widow of the Holy Rabbi of Tahesh ztzel from a second marriage, passed away in her home at the age of 72

Baruch Dayan the truth: from Canada comes the sad news of the passing of the righteous rabbi Mrs. Frieda Milka Lavi – Hoyer, the widow of the Holy Rebbe of Ta’ash zt’l, in a second marriage, and she was 72 years old at the time of her death.

Due to the worsening of her condition in the last few days, the Chassidim called to pray for her complete recovery and to say Psalm 20 in the Psalms for her recovery, but this morning she passed away in her worldly home.

The rabbi is the daughter of the daughter of Rabbi Mandel Haas ztzel of Montreal. In her first marriage, she was married to Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hoyer ztzel of Williamsburg who died in his youth after losing his way in the Catskills, in the New Hampshire area.

In the month of Elul 5576 27 years ago, the rabbi was widowed by his wife, the wife of his youth, rabbi Marat Chava A.H., daughter of the tzaddik Rabbi Yehudla Weingarten ztzel, and great-granddaughter of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk zi.a.

Rabbi H.R. Rabbi Meshulam Faish Mtahash zt’l married Rabbi Frida Milkha A.H. in his second marriage. Since she got married, she stood at the right hand of the Holy Rebbe in all his blessed actions until his departure in the month of Av 1755.

Her stepson, Rebbe Matahesh, who is currently staying in Florida, will probably fly to New York to participate in the funeral procession that will be held in Williamsburg to Beit Chaim in Kiryat Yoel.

May her soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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